WeBWorK Main Forum

Copying an LMS course with WeBWorK LTI 1.3

Re: Copying an LMS course with WeBWorK LTI 1.3

by Alex Jordan -
Number of replies: 0
There are several reasons why we don't do that. I'll mention a few.

If the name of the WeBWorK course does not change, a student with late access to last term's LMS for various reasons could enter this term's WeBWorK course and cause confusion for themselves and the instructor. Also they may legitimately need access to last term's WW course to complete some work.

We have over 100 instructors, with multiple sections of the same course. Course names need to be distinguished. Even one instructor sometimes wants multiple WW courses within a term. And sometimes you have a new instructor inheriting a copy of another instructors LMS course. So how you distinguish WW courses by name, it often makes no sense to keep the exact same course name.

We keep the archive files with the original WW course names, to preserve student data. Not changing we course names from term to term would mess with that.