WeBWorK Problems

Feature request for GraphTool

Re: Feature request for GraphTool

by Glenn Rice -
Number of replies: 4
There was a bug in the triangle regarding usage with the fill tool. Here is an updated zip with the fixed version.
In reply to Glenn Rice

Re: Feature request for GraphTool

by Robin Cruz -

Hi, Glen,

Wow! GraphTool with the triangle and quadralateral objects works great! Thank you! 

Is there an option to change the color of the graphed object?  I didn't see anything about it in the documentation, so perhaps not.  As an example, I want to show a triangle and ask the student to graph a reflection of it.  A different color is not essential. (I could make it "dashed".)  It would look nice having the given image be different from the "answer" image.  I've included the code below.

Thanks, again--rac



loadMacros('PGstandard.pl', 'PGML.pl', 'GraphToolTriangle.pl', 'PGcourse.pl');

$x1 = random(1, 4);   $y1 = random(1, 8);

$x2 = random(6, 8);   $y2 = random(1, 8);

do { 

  $x3 = random(0, 8);   $y3 = random(-8, 8) 


 until ($y3 - $y1) * ($x2 - $x1) != ($y2 - $y1) * ($x3 - $x1) && abs($y2-$y3)>1 && abs($y1-$y3)>1;

 $rx1 = -1*$x1;   $ry1 = $y1;

 $rx2 = -1*$x2;   $ry2 = $y2;

 $rx3 = -1*$x3;   $ry3 = $y3;

$gt = GraphTool("{ triangle, solid, ($rx1, $ry1), ($rx2, $ry2), ($rx3, $ry3) }")


    bBox           => [ -10, 10, 10, -10 ],

    availableTools => [ 'TriangleTool' ],

    staticObjects => ["{triangle, solid, ($x1, $y1), ($x2, $y2), ($x3, $y3)}"]);


The vertices of the triangle shown below are [`([$x1], [$y1])`], [`([$x2], [$y2])`] and [`([$x3], [$y3])`].  Draw on the same axes the image of the triangle under the reflection in the [`y`]-axis.




In reply to Robin Cruz

Re: Feature request for GraphTool

by Glenn Rice -

Unfortunately there isn't a way to set the colors of the things that are graphed.  Perhaps that could be implemented someday, but it would be challenging to figure out how to pass such an option from Perl to JavaScript in a reasonable way.

In reply to Glenn Rice

Re: Feature request for GraphTool

by Robin Cruz -
OK, thanks for getting back on this. Thought I'd check. The GraphTool is great and I've already written quite a few problems using the new objects.

In reply to Robin Cruz

Re: Feature request for GraphTool

by Alex Jordan -

Maybe static objects and user-created objects should have different colors? Or at least an option to have different colors?