topic started 3/13/2002; 1:46:43 AM last post 3/13/2002; 1:46:43 AM |
3/13/2002; 1:46:43 AM (reads: 4221, responses: 0) |
High Schools which are using or have considered using WeBWorK.
If you have further information regarding the progress of using WeBWorK at these or other high schools, please reply to this posting. Mark Schmitt ( at Detroit Country Day School is particularly interested in organizing weBWorK cooperation and collaboration among high schools.
The University of Rochester can host small WeBWorK classes for high schools who would like to try out WeBWorK without installing on a local server. (contact Ohio State University is also hosting high school courses, and other WeBWorK universities may be willing to help high schools in their regions. High school sites hosted at the University of RochesterCHS_alg2 Centerville High School --- Gregg Klein CHS_APcalc Centerville High School --- Gregg Klein cvgs_mth175 Central Virginia Governor's School --- Steve Howard iaa_mth501 Interlochen Arts Academy --- Ellen Kamischke LHS_13AP Lynbrook High School --- Maria Mantikas LHS_Calc Lynbrook High School --- Lisa Friedman LHS_math10E Lynbrook High School --- Joanne Fennessy LHS_math10H Lynbrook High School --- Mike Franklin LHS_math10R Lynbrook High School ---Mike Franklin LHS_math11E Lynbrook High School --- Marcia Mintz LHS_math11H Lynbrook High School --- Maria Mantikas LHS_math11R Lynbrook High School --- Drew Bidart LHS_math12 Lynbrook High School --- Tina Mattheos LHS_math12E Lynbrook High School --- Marcia Mintz LHS_math12H Lynbrook High School --- MJ LaMarca LHS_math12T Lynbrook High School --- Marcia Mintz LHS_math9R Lynbrook High School --- Jennifer Rissland LHS_math9R_1 Lynbrook High School --- Maureen LaForce mssh_APcalc Miami Springs Senior High --- Sam Koski SHS_Alg1Hon Sultan High School --- Robin McNee SHS_APCalc Sultan High School --- Robin McNee SHS_Alg2Hon Sultan High School --- Robin McNee tindley_algebra1 Tindley Accelerated High School in Indianapolis --- Raghu Gompa tindley_algebra2 Tindley Accelerated High School in Indianapolis --- Raghu Gompa High school sites hosted at Alabama State UniversityPre-Algebra -- Baldwin Magnet School Instructor: Beverly Ball Algebra 1 -- Baldwin Magnet School Instructor: Barbara Jefferson Pre-Algebra -- Baldwin Magnet School Instructor: Kelley Summers Calloway Algebra 1 -- Baldwin Magnet School Instructor: Ida Sims Pre-Algebra -- Baldwin Magnet School Instructor: Nicole PinkhamHigh school sites hosted at Ohio State UniversityCentral Catholic High School, Canton, OH Instructor: Bruce Lenz>; Little Miami High School, Warren, Ohio Instructor: Rick Lovins Enquirer article) High school hosted at University of New HampshireDover High School High schools hosting their own WeBWorK sitesDetroit Country Day School --- Mark Schmitt ( The Grier School --- Gary Meyers ( Central Virginia Governor's School, --- Steve Howard |