Below is a list of publications about WeBWorK.
Author | Title | Year | Publication | DOI/URL |
Adams, R. | Using WeBWorK to Enliven Discussion in Physics Classrooms | December 13, 2010 | Profweb: The Quebec College Crossroad for IT Integration | URL |
Adams, R., Lenton, K., & Dedic, H. | The Use of WeBWorK in the College Physics Classroom | 2010 | XXVI Simposio Internacional De Computacion En La Educacion | URL |
Baron, L.M. | Helping Teachers Generate Better Homework: MAA Makes Time for WeBWorK | 2010 | MAA Focus Vol. 30(5), pp. 18-19 |
Article URL |
Carpenter, J. & Camp, B. | Using a Web-Based Homework System to Improve Accountability and Mastery in Calculus | 2008 | 2008 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. 2008 | URL |
Davidson, A. | An examination of the effects and costs of instruction that relies on computer assisted instruction for delivering and managing homework assignments in college calculus courses | 2004 | Ph.D. Thesis, University of Rochester | |
Dedic, H. & Rosenfield S. & Ivanov I. | Just Computer Aided Instruction is Not Enough | 2007 | Preprint | URL |
Deng, S., Hung, C.-C. & Qian, K. | Using the online WeBWorK for student's homework practice in education | 2010 | Proceedings of the 48th Annual Southeast Regional Conference, pp. 83:1-83:2 | DOI URL |
Denny, J. & Yackel, C. | Implementing and teaching with WeBWorK at Mercer University | 2005 | Proceedings of the 2005, ASCUE conference. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina | URL |
Gage, M., Pizer, A. & Roth, V. | WeBWorK: Generating, delivering, and checking math homework via the Internet | 2003 | Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematics | URL |
Gotel, O. & Scharff, C. | Adapting an open-source web-based assessment system for the automated assessment of programming problems | 2007 | Proceedings of the sixth conference on IASTED International Conference Web-Based Education - Volume 2, pp. 437-442 | URL |
Gotel, O., Scharff, C. & Wildenberg, A. | Extending and contributing to an open source web-based system for the assessment of programming problems | 2007 | Proceedings of the 5th international symposium on Principles and practice of programming in Java, pp. 3-12 | URL |
Gotel, O., Scharff, C., Wildenberg, A., Bousso, M., Bunthoeurn, C., Des, P., Kulkarni, V., Ayudhya, N., Sarr, C. & Sunetnanta, T. | Global perceptions on the use of WeBWorK as an online tutor for computer science | 2008 | Frontiers in Education Conference, 2008. FIE 2008. 38th Annual, pp. T4B | URL |
Hauk, S., Powers, A., Safer, A. & Segalla, A. | Impact of the Web-based homework program WeBWorK on student performance in moderate enrollment college algebra courses | 2004 | Manuscript submitted for publication | URL |
Hauk, S. & Segalla, A. | Student Perceptions of the Web-Based Homework Program WeBWorK in Moderate Enrollment College Algebra Classes | 2005 | Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching Vol. 24(3), pp. 229 |
Hirsch, L. & Weibel, C. | Statistical Evidence that Web-Based Homework Helps | 2003 | MAA FOCUS Feb. 2003 |
URL Also see this URL for more details. |
Kehoe, E. | AMS Homework Software Survey | June/July 2010 | Notices of the AMS | URL |
LaRose, P.G. | The Impact of Implementing Web Homework in Second-Semester Calculus | 2010 | PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies Vol. 20(8), pp. 664-683 |
McLeod, A. | Online, Interactive Math Homework! | March 9, 2009 | Profweb: The Quebec College Crossroad for IT Integration | URL |
Palmer, R., Davis, R. & Thompson, T. | Theory Meets Practice: HBCU Initiatives That Promote Academic Success Among African Americans in STEM | 2010 | Journal of College Student Development Vol. 51(4), pp. 440-443 |
Roth, V., Ivanchenko, V. & Record, N. | Evaluating student response to WeBWorK, a web-based homework delivery and grading system | 2008 | Computers & Education Vol. 50(4), pp. 1462-1482 |
Segalla, A. & Hauk, S. | Using WeBWorK in an Online Course Environment | 2008 | Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching Vol. 1(1), pp. 128 |
Zerr, R. | A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the effectiveness of online homework in first-semester calculus | 2007 | Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching Vol. 26(1), pp. 55 |
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