
Search results: 17

I recently upgraded to 2.18. I attempted to move all the appropriate authentication parameters from authen_LTI.conf to authen_LTI_1_1.conf and do the other necessary edits, but I must have missed something, because the authentication does not work. This is what I get in the debug file when trying to connect to an assignment:

[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.111816 2023] (eval): 

===> Begin WeBWorK::dispatch() <===

[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.111996 2023] (eval): Hi, I'm the new dispatcher!
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.112099 2023] (eval): --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.112180 2023] (eval): Okay, I got some basic information:
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.112254 2023] (eval): The site location is /webwork2
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.112324 2023] (eval): The request method is GET
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.112457 2023] (eval): The URI is /webwork2/Math223_Wi23_JHlavacek/WhatIsLinearAlgebra
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.112536 2023] (eval): The argument string is 
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.112606 2023] (eval): --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.112720 2023] (eval): The path is /Math223_Wi23_JHlavacek/WhatIsLinearAlgebra/
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.112816 2023] (eval): The current route is problem_list
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.112889 2023] (eval): Here is some information about this route:
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.112981 2023] (eval): The display module for this route is WeBWorK::ContentGenerator::ProblemSet
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.113054 2023] (eval): This route has the following captures:
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.113126 2023] (eval):   courseID => Math223_Wi23_JHlavacek
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.113198 2023] (eval):   controller => ProblemSet
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.113274 2023] (eval):   setID => WhatIsLinearAlgebra
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.113343 2023] (eval):   action => go
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.113412 2023] (eval): --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.113479 2023] (eval): Now we want to look at the parameters we got.
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.113546 2023] (eval): The raw params:
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.113641 2023] (eval): --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.113713 2023] (eval): We need to get a course environment (with or without a courseID!)
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.121656 2023] (eval): Here's the course environment: WeBWorK::CourseEnvironment=HASH(0x558ce5815cd8)
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.122095 2023] (eval): Using user_authen_module WeBWorK::Authen::LTIAdvanced: WeBWorK::Authen::LTIAdvanced=HASH(0x558ce594f4c8)
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.122210 2023] (eval): We got a courseID from the route, now we can do some stuff:
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.122299 2023] (eval): ...we can create a database object...
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.130766 2023] (eval): (here's the DB handle: WeBWorK::DB=HASH(0x558ce5810378))
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.130902 2023] WeBWorK::Authen::verify: BEGIN VERIFY
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.130991 2023] WeBWorK::Authen::LTIAdvanced::request_has_data_for_this_verification_module: LTIAdvanced has been called for data verification
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.131133 2023] WeBWorK::Authen::LTIAdvanced::request_has_data_for_this_verification_module: LTIAdvanced returning that it has insufficent data
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.131327 2023] WeBWorK::Authen::verify: BEGIN VERIFY
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.131423 2023] WeBWorK::Authen::do_verify: db ok
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.131506 2023] WeBWorK::Authen::get_credentials: self is WeBWorK::Authen::Basic_TheLastOption=HASH(0x558ce594f4e0) 
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.131715 2023] WeBWorK::Authen::fetchCookie: found no cookie for this course. returning nothing.
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.132135 2023] WeBWorK::Authen::verify: END VERIFY
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.132228 2023] WeBWorK::Authen::verify: result 0
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.132315 2023] (eval): Bad news: authentication failed!
[Wed Aug 16 12:05:21.132389 2023] (eval): Rendering WeBWorK::ContentGenerator::Login

The student is presented with the login screen. It seems like there are no LTI data provided at all.

Here is the contents of my authen_LTI.conf:

# Configuration for using LTI authentication.
# To enable this file, uncomment the appropriate lines in localOverrides.conf
# The settings in this file apply to both LTI 1.1 and LTI 1.3 authentication.
# The settings specific to the LTI 1.1 authenticatio are in authen_LTI_1_1.conf.
# The settings specific to the LTI 1.3 authenticatio are in authen_LTI_1_3.conf.

# Set debug_lti_parameters  to 1 to have LTI calling parameters printed to HTML page for
# debugging.  This is useful when setting things up for the first time because
# different LMS systems have different parameters
$debug_lti_parameters = 1; 

# To get more information on passing grades back to the LMS enmass set debug_lti_grade_passback
# to one.  And set the LTIMassUpdateInterval to 60 (seconds).
$debug_lti_grade_passback = 1;

# This will print into the apache log the success or failure of updating each user/set.

# Setting both debug_lti_parameters and debug_lti_grade_passback will cause the full request and 
# response between the LMS and WW to be printed into apache error log file for each
# user/set  update of the grade.

# The switches above can be set in course.conf to enable debugging for just one course.

# If you want even more information enable the debug facility in the webwork2.mojolicious.yml
# file.  This will print extensive debugging messages for all courses.

# Note that for LTI 1.3 not all debug message will make it back to the HTML page due to the
# nature of how LTI 1.3 authentication works with automatic form submissions and redirects.

# Authentication settings

# This section enables LTI authentication.  If a course uses LTI 1.1 (see $LTIVersion below),
# then the LTIAdvanced module will be used.  If a course uses LTI 1.3 (see $LTIVersion below),
# the LTIAdvantage will be used.  If you know a site will not use one or the other, it can be
# commented out. Failover to Basic_TheLastOption is necessary to authenticate with cookie keys.
$authen{user_module} = [
    # { '*' => 'WeBWorK::Authen::LTIAdvantage' },          # first try LTI 1.3
    { '*' => 'WeBWorK::Authen::LTIAdvanced' },           # next try LTI 1.1
    { '*' => 'WeBWorK::Authen::Basic_TheLastOption' }    # fallback authorization method

# Include configurations.  You must uncomment at least one of the following. You may uncomment
# both if the site may be using both LTI 1.1 and 1.3 in different courses. After uncommenting
# the LTI_1_x line, you must copy the file authen_LTI_1_x.conf.dist to authen_LTI_1_x.conf and
# then edit that file to fill in the settings for LTI_1_x.

# This is the default LTI version that will be used for the site.  This must be 'v1p1' for LTI
# 1.1 authentication, 'v1p3' for LTI 1.3 authentication, or '' to disable LTI authentication.
# A course may override this setting to use the other version of LTI authentication or to
# disable LTI authentication for the course.
$LTIVersion = 'v1p1';

# WeBWorK will automatically create users when logging in via the LMS for the first time as long
# as the permission level is less than or equal to the permission level of this setting.  For
# security reasons accounts with high permissions should not be auto created via LTI requests.
# Set this variable to 'professor' if you want professor accounts to be created automatically.
$LTIAccountCreationCutoff = 'ta';

# If the following flag is enabled then the user demographic data will be kept up to date with
# the data from the LMS.  If a user's information changes in the LMS then it will change in
# WeBWorK. This means that any changes to the student data via WeBWorK will be overwritten the
# next time the student logs in.
$LMSManageUserData = 1;

# If the preferred module is an external authentication module but the sequence includes an
# internal authentication system, e.g., Basic_TheLastOption, then $external_auth (below) must be
# set to 1 (or true). If the value is 1, then, if the authentication sequence reaches
# Basic_TheLastOption, then WeBWorK::Login will display a screen directing the user back to an
# external authentication system.  This prevents you from attempting to login in to WeBWorK
# directly.
$external_auth = 0;

# NOTE:  If external authentication is disabled then you should probably also prevent students
# from changing their passwords (because they can't use them).  To do this uncomment the
# following.
$permissionLevels{change_password} = 'ta';

# Authorization system LTI:  LMS Grade Passback

# WeBWorK can automatically report grades back to your LMS.  However the system is reasonably
# restrictive.  When you create an LTI link in your LMS you can choose to have that LTI link
# have a grade associated to it.  WeBWorK can report back a single percentage as the "grade" for
# that link.  There are two modes under which this can occur.

# Single Course Grade Mode:  $LTIGradeMode = 'course';
# In this mode you create a single Link/Assignment which points to your WeBWorK Course address.
# Students will receive a LMS grade associated to the Link/Assignment which is determined by
# their percentage total homework grade in WeBWorK.  This total homework grade is the same as
# the grade that is reported on the grades page.  You can change the weight of sets by altering
# the weight of the problems in the set.

# Individual Homework Grade Mode:  $LTIGradeMode = 'homework';
# In this mode you create a single Link/Assignment for *every* homework set in the course.  The
# address should be the address of that set in the Course.  Students will receive a grade for
# each Link/Assignment which is determined by their percentage homework grade on the Set which
# the Link/Assignment points to.  Students need to use the Link/Assignment in the LMS at least
# once to enable grade passback.  In particular when working in this mode it is recommended that
# you only allow students to log in via the LMS.

# Note: For both of these modes only the grades are passed back.  In particular nothing else
# about the Link/Assignment in the LMS and the homework set in WeBWorK is synchronized.  In
# particular the total number of points/problems, the due dates, the open dates are not kept in
# sync automatically (yet).

# Site Administrator Note for LTI 1.3:  This uses OAuth2 RSA private/public keys.  These keys
# are automatically generated the first time that they are needed.  It is recommended that new
# keys are generated on a regular basis.  At this point, key rotation is not automatic for
# webwork2.  Howevever, it is simple.  Delete the files $webwork2_dir/DATA/lti_private_key.json
# and $webwork2_dir/DATA/lti_public_key.json.  New keys will then be automatically generated the
# next time they are needed.  Probably a good rule of thumb (for now) is to do this at the
# beginning of every term.

#$LTIGradeMode = '';
#$LTIGradeMode = 'course';
$LTIGradeMode = 'homework';

# When set this variable sends grades back to the LMS every time a user submits an answer.  This
# keeps students grades up to date but can be a drain on the server.
$LTIGradeOnSubmit = 1;

# If CheckPrior is set to 1 then the current LMS grade will be checked first, and if the grade
# has not changed then the grade will not be updated.  This is intended to reduce changes to LMS
# records when no real grade change occurred.  It requires a 2 round process, first querying the
# current grade from the LMS and then when needed making the grade submission.
$LTICheckPrior = 1;

# The system periodically updates student grades on the LMS.  This variable controls how often
# that happens.  Set to -1 to disable.
$LTIMassUpdateInterval = 86400;    #in seconds

# Add an 'LTI' tab to the Course Configuration page

# Uncomment any of the variables listed in the @LTIConfigVariables array below if you would like
# the Course Configuration page to have an LTI tab, granting the course instructor easy access
# to some of the LTI settings. You may leave some of the variables commented out if you would
# like to omit them from the options in this tab.  If all variables are left commented out, then
# the tab will not be shown.  Note that the default values for the variables that will be shown
# in the LTI tab are the values that are set above.  Further note that only the variables listed
# in LTIConfigValues.config may be added to the LTI config tab.  In addition, only the variables
# that pertain to the active LTI version will be shown in the tab.
@LTIConfigVariables = (

1;    # final line of the file to reassure perl that it was read properly.

and here is the authen_LTI_1_1.conf with the secret stuff redacted:


# Configuration for using LTI 1.1 authentication.
# To enable this file, uncomment the appropriate lines in authen_LTI.conf

# This is a string that is used to name the LMS for end users, for example in a message telling
# users to sign in through their LMS.
$LTI{v1p1}{LMS_name} = 'Canvas';
#$LTI{v1p1}{LMS_name} = 'Desire2Learn';

# This is a URL that should take users to a place they can log in to their LMS.  It will use the
# text from LMS_name, but use LMS_url as the href.  If LMS_url is empty or undefined, the
# text from LMS_name is used with no link.
$LTI{v1p1}{LMS_url} = '';
#$LTI{v1p1}{LMS_url} = '';

# LTI 1.1 preferred and fallback source of WW user_id

# You MUST set what LTI field is used to set the WeBWorK user_id.
# The lis_person_sourcedid (or one of its variants) is formally an OPTIONAL field
# but is relatively consistently available.
# However, some LMS systems, Blackboard in particular, do not send lis_person_sourcedid.
# The email address lis_person_contact_email_primary is often a more understandable value but
# may not exist.
# The LTI standard recommends providing a "user_id" value, which needs to be a unique identifier
# for each student in the LMS. The value is not expected to be people friendly by may be
# available when neither of the others are.
# You need to make sure to use a setting such that
#    (1) usernames are unique and
#    (2) the setting is as compatible as possible with the practices of the institutions that
#        are being served in a site.
# If each course is only being used by students from a single institution and the value
# lis_person_sourcedid is unique across that population and matches the logon username at that
# institution, then lis_person_sourcedid is probably the better choice.
# On the other hand, if a site is serving a population from several institutions or if the
# lis_person_sourcedid is not necessarily unique across the population, then
# lis_person_contact_email_primary is the better choice.
# NOTE: As of WeBWorK 2.16 some setting MUST be made.
#       If no setting is made, all LTI logins will fail and an error will be reported.
#       See the comment further down on how to get WeBWorK 2.16 to behave similarly to
#       the prior behavior.

# NOTE: Even if a course management system sends one of the common misspellings of
# "lis_person_sourcedid", i.e.,
# lis_person_sourced_id, lis_person_source_id, and lis_person_sourceid,
# one must nevertheless use the correct spelling "lis_person_sourcedid" here.
$LTI{v1p1}{preferred_source_of_username} = 'lis_person_contact_email_primary';
#$LTI{v1p1}{preferred_source_of_username} = 'lis_person_sourcedid';

# You can use any parameter the LMS will provide for the preferred_source_of_username, ex:
#$LTI{v1p1}{preferred_source_of_username} = 'user_id';

# You can also optionally provide a fallback_source_of_username which will only be used if WW is
# unable to determine a user_id using preferred_source_of_username.

# Warning: This can be dangerous, e.g. if the fallback were used for some student, and then on a
# later connection by that student the LMS provided a value for the preferred_source_of_username
# field, then the student will get a new WeBWorK account and lose access to their prior account
# and the prior scores will not be associated with their account any longer. Thus, this feature
# should be used carefully!
#$LTI{v1p1}{fallback_source_of_username} = '';
#$LTI{v1p1}{fallback_source_of_username} = 'lis_person_sourcedid';

# Stripping the domain when creating user_id from an email address:
# If you set either preferred_source_of_username or fallback_source_of_username to
# lis_person_contact_email_primary, and the email is being used as the WeBWorK user_id, then if
# the following setting is enabled, then WeBWorK will strip off the domain portion of the email
# (after the '@') and just use the username.
$LTI{v1p1}{strip_domain_from_email} = 1;

# This feature should not be used if emails could collide after the domain is removed.

# To get WeBWorK 2.16 to handle LTI authentication using an approach roughly the same as was
# used until WeBWorK 2.15, you can set one of the 2 pairs of settings:
# Option 1: Primary choice is lis_person_contact_email_primary, fallback to lis_person_sourcedid:
#$LTI{v1p1}{preferred_source_of_username} = 'lis_person_contact_email_primary';
#$LTI{v1p1}{fallback_source_of_username} = 'lis_person_sourcedid';
# Option 2: Primary choice is lis_person_sourcedid, fallback to lis_person_contact_email_primary:
#$LTI{v1p1}{preferred_source_of_username} = 'lis_person_sourcedid';
#$LTI{v1p1}{fallback_source_of_username} = 'lis_person_contact_email_primary';

# Depending on the username source, capitalization may vary between students, such as when using
# an email address to get the username. Turning this option on will make all usernames
# lowercase. Default is 0 (off).
$LTI{v1p1}{lowercase_username} = 0;

# LTI 1.1 Preferred source of Student Id

# If preferred_source_of_student_id is not set, WeBWorK will set student_id to be an empty
# string. You should use debug_lti_parameters in order to determine the value to use for your
# LMS.

# For example, in D2L, student_id is stored in OrgDefinedId and the corresponding LTI parameter
# is called ext_d2l_orgdefinedid.
$LTI{v1p1}{preferred_source_of_student_id} = "sis_login_id";
#$LTI{v1p1}{preferred_source_of_student_id} = 'ext_d2l_orgdefinedid';

# LTI 1.1 Basic Authentication Parameters

# This "shared secret" is entered in the LMS request form and needs to be match the entry here.
# This is used to validate all requests between the LMS and WeBWorK.

# You should choose your own secret word for security and should treat it like a password.
$LTI{v1p1}{BasicConsumerSecret}  = "redacted";  #This must be set  

# The purpose of the LTI nonces is to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.  The NonceLifeTime (in
# seconds) must be short enough to prevent at least casual man-in-the-middle attacks but long
# enough to accommodate normal server and networking delays (and perhaps non-synchronization of
# server time clocks).
$LTI{v1p1}{NonceLifeTime} = 60;    # in seconds

# This allows you to override the URL that Oauth will use to validate the authentication.  This
# is important if you have some sort of setup (e.g. load distributing) where the path in the LMS
# does not match the path that ends up in the webwork page.
#$LTI{v1p1}{OverrideSiteURL} = '';

# This is like $LTI{v1p1}{OverrideSiteURL}, except that you only declare the protocol and domain
# to replace and leave the rest of a URL alone. If somehow both are set in the config chain,
# $LTI{v1p1}{OverrideSiteURL} is used, without being modified by the below.
#$LTI{v1p1}{OverrideSiteProtocolDomain} = '';
#$LTI{v1p1}{OverrideSiteProtocolDomain} = '';

# LTI 1.1 LMS Roles Mapped to WeBWorK Roles

# You may need to customize this hash to take into account the roles that are used in your LMS.
# Set the debug_lti_parameters flag to see what roles are being reported to WeBWorK by your LMS.
$LTI{v1p1}{LMSrolesToWeBWorKroles} = {
    'librarian'               => 'guest',
    'observer'                => 'guest',
    'visitor'                 => 'guest',
    'Guest'                   => 'guest',
    'Designer'                => 'professor',
    'instructor'              => 'professor',
    'Instructor'              => 'professor',
    'Faculty'                 => 'professor',
    'Teacher'                 => 'professor',
    'Student'                 => 'student',
    'Learner'                 => 'student',
    'student'                 => 'student',
    'AI/TA'                   => 'ta',
    'TA'                      => 'ta',
    'Teaching Assistant'      => 'ta',
    'Teaching Assistant (TA)' => 'ta',
    'Non-editing teacher'     => 'ta',
    'Grader'                  => 'ta',

# Local routine to modify users

# When users are added to the system WeBWorK will do its best to fill out user information.
# However, institutions can add code to the following routine to set fields not normally set by
# WeBWorK.  E.G.  The student ID field.

#$LTI{v1p1}{modify_user} = sub {
# The self object from
#my $self = shift;
# The user object to be modified
#my $user = shift;

#my $r = $self->{r};
#my @course_id = split / /, $r->param("context_title");
#$user->{"section"} = $course_id[2];

#  # The self object from
#  my $self = shift;
#  # The user object to be modified
#  my $user = shift;
#  # Parse context_id for additional information.  E.G.
#  my @course_id = split /-/, $self->{context_id};
#  $user->{section} = $course_id[4];

# Local routine to modify user sets

# When users are added to the system they are also assigned all visible sets This routine can be
# used to modify the sets before they are assigned.  E.G.  extend due dates based off the number
# of problems students have to do

#$LTI{v1p1}{modify_user_set} = sub {
#  # The self object from
#  my $self      = shift;
#  my $globalSet = shift;
#  # The userSet object to be modified
#  my $userSet = shift;
#  my $numberOfSetsAssigned   = $self->{numberOfSetsAssigned};
#  my $daysPerSetMakeup       = 2;
#  my $reasonableNumberOfDays = $numberOfSetsAssigned*$daysPerSetMakeup + 1;
#  if ($reasonableNumberOfDays < 2) { $reasonableNumberOfDays = 2; }
#  my $niceDueTime    = $globalSet->due_date + $reasonableNumberOfDays * 86400;
#  my $niceAnswerTime = $niceDueTime + 600;
#  $userSet->due_date($niceDueTime);
#  $userSet->answer_date($niceAnswerTime);

# Do not change this.
$LTI{v1p1}{grader} = 'WeBWorK::Authen::LTIAdvanced::SubmitGrade';

1;    # final line of the file to reassure perl that it was read properly.

Anybody has any idea what am I doing wrong?

Thank you!

I am currently working on getting students to go from a course page on Moodle to my webwork HomeworkSet. 

On moodle I created a External Tool for my course page. In the settings of the external tool I configured the following;

   Launch: New Window
   Consumer key: <myconsumerkey>

   Shared Secret: <secretsharedkey>

   ToolURL: <URL to the assignment >

  Share Launchers name with tool (on)

   Share launcher's email with the tool (on)

   Accept grades from the tool (on)


I have a separate account on moodle to test as a student. So I sign in (using incognito) to my student account. I then use the external tool link to get to the assignment. 

At this point as the student I get to the homeworkset called "KelsettestSet" which has 1 problem in it. I click on the problem and it takes me to the CAS login screen. 

****Now I must mention, I am using both LTI and CAS for this. LTI for students going from moodle to webwork. CAS is for the instructors seeing as they will go to the webwork site directly and login to their course.*****

In theory the students shouldn't need to see the CAS screen. 


My CAS/LTI config file is below: 



# authen_LTI.conf

# Configuration for using LTI authentication.

# To enable this file, uncomment the appropriate lines in localOverrides.conf


# Set debug_lti_parameters  to 1 to have LTI calling parameters printed to HTML page for

# debugging.  This is useful when setting things up for the first time because

# different LMS systems have different parameters

$debug_lti_parameters = 0; 

# To get more information on passing grades back to the LMS enmass set debug_lti_grade_passback

# to one.  And set the LTIMassUpdateInterval to 60 (seconds).

$debug_lti_grade_passback = 0;

# This will print into the apache log the success or failure of updating each user/set.

# If the set has "no lis_source_did" then that set hasn't been assigned, or the user is an instructor

# and not a student.

# Setting both debug_lti_parameters and debug_lti_grade_passback will cause the full request and 

# response between the LMS and WW to be printed into apache error log file for each

# user/set  update of the grade.

# The switches above can be set in course.conf to enable debugging for just one course.

# If you want even more information enable the debug facility for in 

# the WeBWorK::Constants file.  

# This will print extensive debug messages for all courses.

# This first section enables LTI authentication.

# Failover to Basic_TheLastOption is necessary to authenticate with

# cookie keys.  


$authen{user_module} = [ 

{  "*" => "WeBWorK::Authen::LTIAdvanced", }, #preferred authorization method

{  "*" => "WeBWorK::Authen::CAS", }, #secondary direct webwork authorization method (professors)

{  "*" => "WeBWorK::Authen::Basic_TheLastOption",}  #fallback authorization method


# If the preferred module is an external authentication

# module but the sequence includes an internal authentication

# system, e.g., Basic_TheLastOption, then the following line

# must be commented out.

# If it is uncommented and the value = 1,

# then, if the authentication sequence reaches 

# Basic_TheLastOption, then WeBWorK::Login

# will display a screen directing the user

# back to an external authentication system.

# This prevents you from attempting to login in to WeBWorK directly.


# NOTE:  If external authentication is disabled

# then you should probably also prevent students

# from changing their passwords (because they cant use them).

# To do this ucomment the following

#  $permissionLevels{change_password} = "ta";


# CAS Options (taken from authen_CAS.conf)


$authen{cas_options} = {

        # Options to pass to the AuthCAS module.

        # Note that this is (plain) AuthCAS, not Apache::AuthCAS

        # or Apache2::AuthCAS.

        # You need at least casUrl and CAFile; others can be set as well.

        AuthCAS_opts => {

                # URL of CAS server.  Edit the host below.

                casUrl => 'https://MY-SCHOOLS-CAS-SERVER', #e.g. 'https://auth.$

                #loginPath => 'https://MY-SCHOOLS-CAS-SERVER',

                #logoutPath => 'https://MY-SCHOOLS-CAS-SERVER',

                #serviceValidatePath => 'https://MY-SCHOOLS-CAS-SERVER',

                # Path of certificate file for CAS server.

                CAFile => '', #e.g. '/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt',


        # There are no options specific to CAS at this time.  If there were,

        # though, they would go here.

        # For debugging:

        #su_from => '8315',

        su_to => '999999',



# LTI Basic parameters



# LTI Preferred Source of Username


# If both lis_person_sourcedid (or one of its variants)

# and lis_person_contact_email_primary are present,

# then one needs to state which one is preferred

# as the WeBWorK username.

# The considerations are (1) ensuring that usernames

# are unique and (2) being as compatible as possible with the practices

# of the institutions that are being served in a site.

# If a site is only being used be students from a single

# institution and the value  lis_person_sourcedid  is

# unique across the population and matches the  logon username

# at that institution, then lis_person_sourcedid is

# probably the better choice.

# On the other hand, if a site is serving a population

# from several institutions and  lis_person_sourcedid  is not

# necessarily unique across the population, then

# lis_person_contact_email_primary is the better choice.

# Because the WeBWorK username must be unique across

# the population served by a site, the default if

# neither line is uncommented will be the value of

# lis_person_contact_email_primary.

# NOTE: Even if a course management system sends 

# one of the common misspellings of "lis_person_sourcedid", i.e.,

# lis_person_sourced_id, lis_person_source_id, and

# lis_person_sourceid, one must nevertheless use

# the correct spelling here, i.e. "lis_person_sourcedid".

$preferred_source_of_username = "lis_person_sourcedid";

#$preferred_source_of_username = "lis_person_contact_email_primary";

# Some LMS systems, Blackboard in particular, do not send lis_person_sourcedid

# if you enable this flag and have $preferred_source_of_username set to

# lis_person_contact_email_primary, then webwork will strip off the address 

# portion of the email and just use the username.  

#$strip_address_from_email = 1;


# LTI Preferred source of Student Id


# If preferred_source_of_student_id is not set, WeBWorK will look in the LTI

# parameter 'custom_student_id.' If preferred_source_of_student_id is set, then

# WeBWorK will look in the LTI parameter specified below. This parameter may be

# dependendent on the LMS. E.G., In D2L, student_id is stored in OrgDefinedId and

# the corresponding LTI parameter is called ext_d2l_orgdefinedid.

#$preferred_source_of_student_id = "ext_d2l_orgdefinedid";


# LTI Basic Authentication Parameters 


# This "shared secret" is entered in the LMS request form and needs to be

# match the entry here.  This is used to validate all requests between the

# LMS and WeBWorK

# You should choose your own secret word for security and should treat it

# like a password. 

$LTIBasicConsumerSecret = "MY-SECRET";  #This must be set

#$LTIBasicConsumerSecret = "MY-SECRET";  #This must be set  

# The purpose of the LTI nonces is to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.

# The NonceLifeTime (in seconds) must be short enought to prevent

# at least casual man-in-the-middle attacks but

# long enough to accommodate normal server and networking delays

# (and perhaps non-synchronization of server time clocks).


$NonceLifeTime=60; # in seconds

# WeBWorK will automatically create users when logging in via the LMS for the

# first time.  If the following flag is enabled then it will also keep the

# user demographic data up to date with the LMS.  If a users information change

# in the LMS then it will change in WeBWorK. However, any changes to the

# student data via WeBWorK will be overwritten the next time the student

# logs in.  


# NOTE:  If mange user data is enabled  then you should probably also

# prevent students from changing their email because the changes

# will be overwritten.  To do this ucomment the following

$permissionLevels{change_email} = "ta";

# This allows you to override the URL that Oauth will use to validate the 

# authentication.  This is important if you have some sort of setup (e.g. load

# distributing) where the path in the LMS does not match the path that ends up 

# in the webwork page 

#$LTIBasicToThisSiteURL = "";


# Authorization system   LTI:  LMS Grade Passback


# WeBWorK can automatically report grades back to your LMS.  However the

# system is reasonably restrictive.  When you create an LTI link in your

# LMS you can choose to have that LTI link have a grade associated to it.

# WeBWorK can report back a single percentage as the "grade" for that link.

# There are two modes under which this can occur.


# Single Course Grade Mode:  $LTIGradeMode = "course";

# In this mode you create a single Link/Assignment which points to your

# WeBWorK Course address.  E.G. In Blackboard

# Name: WeBWorK

# URL:

# Check Yes:  This link is to a Tool Provider

# Enable Evaluation: Yes

# Points Possible: 100

#   Students will receive a LMS grade associated to the Link/Assignment

# which is determined by their percentage total homework grade in WeBWorK.

# This total homework grade is the same as the grade that is reported on the

# grades page.  You can change the weight of sets by altering the weight of

# the problems in the set.  


# Individual Homework Grade Mode:  $LTIGradeMode = "homework";


# In this mode you create a single Link/Assignment for *every* homework set in

# the course.  The address should be the address of that set in the Course.

# E.G. in Blackboard

# Name: Set Name

# URL:

# Check Yes:  This link is to a Tool Provider

# Enable Evaluation: Yes

# Points Possible: 100

#   Students will receive a grade for each Link/Assignment which is determined

# by their percentage homework grade on the Set which the Link/Assignment

# points to.  Students need to use the Link/Assignment in the LMS at least once

# to enable grade passback.  In particular when working in this mode it is

# recommended that you only allow students to log in via the LMS.  


#    Note: For both of these modes only the grades are passed back.  In

# particular nothing else about the Link/Assignment in the LMS and the

# homework set in WeBWorK is syncronized.  In particular the total number of

# points/problems, the due dates, the open dates are not kept in sync

# automatically.  

$LTIGradeMode = "course";

#$LTIGradeMode = "homework";

# When set this variable sends grades back to the LMS every time a user

# submits an answer.  This keeps students grades up to date but can be

# a drain on the server.

#$LTIGradeOnSubmit = 1;

$LTIGradeOnSubmit = 0;

# The system periodically updates student grades on the LMS.  This

# variable controls how often that happens.  Set to -1 to disable.  

#$LTIMassUpdateInterval = 86400; #in seconds

# For testing:

#$LTIMassUpdateInterval = 60; #in seconds

$LTIMassUpdateInterval = 3600; #in seconds


# Authorization system   LTI:  LMS Roles Mapped to WeBWorK Roles


# You may need to customize this hash to take into account the roles

# that are used in your LMS.  Set the debug_lti_parameters flag to see

# what roles are being reported to WeBWorK by your LMS

%LMSrolesToWeBWorKroles = (

   "librarian" => "guest",

   "observer" => "guest",

   "visitor" => "guest",

   "Guest"  => "guest",

   "Designer" => "professor",

   "instructor" => "professor",

   "Instructor" => "professor",

   "Faculty" => "professor",

   "Teacher" => "professor",

   "Student" => "student",

   "Learner" => "student",

   "student" => "student",

   "AI/TA" => "ta",

   "TA" => "ta",

   "Teaching Assistant" => "ta",

   "Teaching Assistant (TA)" => "ta",

   "Non-editing teacher" => "ta",

   "Grader" => "ta",


# For security reasons accounts with high permissions should not be auto

# created via LTI requests.  Set this variable to "professor" if you want

# professor accounts to be created automatically

$LTIAccountCreationCutoff = "ta";

#$LTIAccountCreationCutoff = "professor";


# Local routines  


# These local routines can be used to modify and override various elements of

# the authentication process.


# Local routine to modify users


# When users are added to the system WeBWorK will do its best to fill out

# user information.  However, institutions can add code to the following

# routine to set fields not normally set by WeBWorK.  E.G.  The student ID

# field.

#$LTI_modify_user = sub {

#  # The self object from

#  my $self = shift;

#  # The user object to be modified

#  my $user = shift;


#  # Parse context_id for additional information.  E.G.  

#  my @course_id=split /-/, $self -> {"context_id"};

#  $user->{"section"} = $course_id[4];

#  };


# Local routine to modify user sets


# When users are added to the system they are also assigned all visible sets

# This routine can be used to modify the sets before they are assigned.  E.G.

# extend due dates based off the number of problems students have to do 

#$LTI_modify_user_set = sub {

#  # The self object from

#  my $self = shift;

#  my $globalSet = shift;

#  # The userSet object to be modified

#  my $userSet = shift;

#   my $numberOfSetsAssigned = $self->{numberOfSetsAssigned};

#   my $daysPerSetMakeup = 2;

#   my $reasonableNumberOfDays = $numberOfSetsAssigned*$daysPerSetMakeup +1;

#   if ($reasonableNumberOfDays < 2) {$reasonableNumberOfDays = 2;}

#   my $niceDueTime = $globalSet->due_date + $reasonableNumberOfDays*86400;

#   my $niceAnswerTime = $niceDueTime + 600;


#   $userSet->due_date($niceDueTime);

#   $userSet->answer_date($niceAnswerTime);



1; #final line of the file to reassure perl that it was read properly.


NOTE: I have set my course to assignment mode in the course.conf file.

UNFORTUNATELY, the problem reappeared after I deleted 5 students from the "classlist." They dropped from the course and keeping them in the classlist complicated uploading the grades to Blackboard Collaborate, which is the official/mandatory system to report grades at my university. In Webwoer 12 no problem, but in Webwork 15, and now without the ability to produce PDF of graded exams that I need to return to 50+ students. Fortunately, I take exams with 2 servers, and the remaining 90 students are on the old server with Webwork 12. This problem is crippling me. Online students need as much feedback as we can possibly give them. I had to take screenshots of the exams, 2 screenshots per exam, times 50, 100 screenshots. Not good.
We have indeed been setting up the LTI.  We've gotten authentication working, but grading seems to be having trouble.  It seems that students are always seeing
·        No LIS Outcome Service URL. Unable to report grades to the LMS. Are external grades enabled in the LMS? at /opt/webwork/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Authen/LTIAdvanced/ line 60.
·        No LISSourceDID! Some LMS's do not give grades to instructors, but this could also be a sign that external grades are not enabled in your LMS. at /opt/webwork/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Authen/LTIAdvanced/ line 91.

Even though "Allow configured tool providers to post grades" is set to "Yes" in Blackboard.  Do you know how we would be able to diagnose the problem?

By the way, I had to read fairly closely before I realized that "Course Grade Mode" or "Homework Grade Mode" would be a Webwork-wide setting.  Is that correct?  Would a course-wide setting be achievable in a future release?
I know this thread is months old now, but I was just looking to do the same thing and this is what worked for me:

Score some homework sets and download the .csv.  Then add columns for test scores or whatever, and save it as report_grades_data.csv.  Upload using file manager, and put it under scoring/, which is the same level as templates, so you have to go up a level to see it.  

Next, open Email.  From the merge pull-down, select the file you uploaded, report_grades_data.csv.  Now I could access all the columns in the file.  It showed me the column data for me, so that I knew what column went with which index.  (This would be even more helpful if most of my scores weren't 0's, haha).

I entered a simple message:  Your first test score was $COL[n].  Your current homework average is $COL[m].  Your current/projected grade is $COL[k].

I saved this message as report_grades.msg.  I did not send it to the students.

Now, when I or students go the grades page, they see at the bottom the message I typed with their scores filled in.  So they don't get their whole row of grades unless you put that in the message, but you can show them additional grades.  

We are running the newest update, version 2.9, so your mileage may vary!

WeBWorK Main Forum -> Webwork Gradebook -> Re: Webwork Gradebook

by Michael Gage -
Hi Lars,

Looking through the references (especially the second link below) again:

The procedure is a bit fussy (I'm the main person to use it as far as I know) but it goes pretty fast once you are used to it.

Here are some further references

I find that the merge file needs to be named report_grades_data.csv  and the message file which accepts the merge data is named report_grades.msg.  I'm afraid that I conflated the two when I wrote the original post. 

The references also acknowledge that the documentation on this feature is nearly non-existent -- mainly because it has not been widely used. That's also why it is fussy -- the file names and so forth are all hardwired into the code.

The most explicit reference I have been able to find is from the scoring page help reference (the little yellow question mark):

If you upload your file on the web with the name: <code>report_grades_data.csv</code>
and also create an email message with the name <code>report_grade.msg</code> with the
approriate <code>$COL</code> variables then not only can you email the message
with the embedded grades to the students, but files with those exact names are
automatically appended to the "Grades" page seen by the students.

I confess that I have not used either the grading or the emailing feature recently and my advice is mostly working from memory.  I now run courses through moodle whenever possible and use the moodle gradebook which is much better and easier to use.  

The relevant code is in the subroutine "scoring_info()" in the file ContentGenerator/   for anyone who would be interested in bringing the capabilities of this feature up-to-date and making it more flexible.  

If you get it working perhaps you could add a post on the wiki documenting the method.  It might be helpful for others who are not using the moodle connection or connection with some other LMS

-- Mike 

WeBWorK Main Forum -> Webwork Gradebook -> Re: Webwork Gradebook

by Lars Jensen -
Hi Mike,

This didn't work for me. I did what you say below: all the homework grades using the WeBWorK scoring tools to a .csv file. Import this into excel. Add the midterm and final grades and do any additional calculations for the grade and then export the result into a file called report_grades.csv.

So I added an extra "Test" column at the end of the homework scores, and adjusted the "summary" and "%score" columns in accord, then renamed the file to report_grades.csv. Nothing new showed up under student grades, neither under the student's account, nor in the instructor's gradebook. I only see the same homework scores. I tried to delete some header rows/columns in the spreadsheet and upload again, but it changed nothing.

Did I miss something? Any ideas? It might be helpful if you could attach a template report_grades.csv example file?


WeBWorK Main Forum -> Webwork Gradebook -> Re: Webwork Gradebook

by Michael Gage -

If you want a full featured gradebook you need to use Moodle integration (or Blackboard -- which is in alpha test stage).

However, you can do what you want in WeBWorK alone. It is a bit of a hack, but it works for me.

First use excel or some other spreadsheet app to create a .csv (comma separated variable) file with the relevant grades.

In my case I usually download all the homework grades using the WeBWorK scoring tools to a .csv file. Import this into excel. Add the midterm and final grades and do any additional calculations for the grade and then export the result into a file called report_grades.csv

It is important to call this file report_grades.csv. In addition to grades this file also has columns corresponding to the studentLogin and the studentID.

Upload this file using the File Manager to the "scoring" directory
courseName/scoring (this is at the same level as the courseName/template directory that you see first in the File Manager)

Now the contents of this file (or rather the row that applies to them) will appear when ever the students look at their Grades (link in the left hand margin). If I remember correctly the "key" is the studentID number rather than the studentLogin but I'd make sure not to touch either column when adding the midterm and final grades. You can also use this report_grades.csv file together with the "Email students" feature to mail a report of individual grades to the student.

The procedure is a bit fussy (I'm the main person to use it as far as I know) but it goes pretty fast once you are used to it.

Here are some further references

Hope this helps while you are waiting for Blackboard integration.

-- Mike

Hi Dick,

The general description is at

Regarding your first two questions I'll tell you what I think is going on, but I haven't looked at the code in ages (and haven't used the feature with students since I became a ski bum quite a few years ago now).  What I always did was to score a set (actually I don't recall if I had to even select one set but now WeBWorK is maybe too "smart" and will not let you score 0 sets) and use that file as a template for your merge file.  How many columns are required I'm not sure but I believe the first two and I would definitely keep the first four. The order of students in the file is not important.  WeBWorK 1 used the $SID as a key (which is why it is the first column) but in WeBWorK 1 the $SID was forced to be unique and it is not forced to be unique in WeBWorK 2. So I am 99.999% sure that WeBWorK 2 uses the $LOGIN as the key and most likely assumes this is in the second column.

There is no automated procedure for generating the email template file and I think this would not be practical as different people may want to do very different things.

In your example Test 1 = $COL[57] remember you can use $COL[-2] for the second to last column which may be a lot easier than counting from $COL[1].

I never used the feature but I am virtually certain that you can use this feature to allow students to view quiz & test scores online.  Note that if you click on "Grades" at the bottom you see:

There is no additional grade information. The spreadsheet file /opt/webwork/courses/pizer_course/templates/email/report_grades.msg cannot be found.

I think that all you have to do create your email with the name "report_grades.msg" (using the merge file you want) and WeBWorK will do the rest.

Hi Bruce,

Since no one has responded to this I'll take a crack at it.

The answer is no and I think it would be difficult to do something since different people use different scoring methods. You can count all problems the same as their WeBWorK weight (which is what I assume you are thinking), count each assignment say 10 points, count only the best 10 of say 13 total assignments, ignore the Orientation set if you have one, etc. Students might confuse an overall average for how their professor is really going to grade their WeBWorK.

There is a facility for adding a grading message (templates/email/report_grades.msg) and with some work you could probably use this to accomplish what you want but I'm not sure it's worth the effort.
