Instructor Links

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Instructor Links Help Page

Instructor Tools
Quick access to many instructor tools, including Reset passwords, Act as student, Assign individual sets and Edit individual due dates. Beginners may find it easier to use the "Class List Editor", "Hmwk Sets Editor" at first.
Class List Editor
Edit class roster data. Add students, edit student data, drop students from class, import students from a classlist, and give user professor privileges. Access to individual homework sets
Hmwk Sets Editor
Edit homework sets for entire class. Change homework set due dates, create new sets from a set definition file, create new homework sets, make sets visible/invisible, score homework sets. Assign homework sets to the class.
Library Browser
Choose problems from a library and add them to a homework set.
View statistics of students' performance on homework either by individual or by set.
Student Progress
View details of student perofrmance either by individual or by set.
Scoring Tools
Score one or more sets. This can also be done from the "Hmwk Sets Editor" or from the "Instructor Tools", but the "Scoring Tools" page allows control over parameters.
Send email to students.
File Transfer
Upload, download and delete text files, including scoring spread sheets, set definition files, class list spread sheets, and "PG" problems.
Course configuration
Allows configuration of certain parameters, such as permission levels, default display mode for equations, and email feedback behavior, on a course by course basis.