Troubleshooting Strategies

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Revision as of 11:23, 11 January 2011 by Anneke Bart (talk | contribs)
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  • Make sure that you are observing the log file. For example tail -F /var/log/apache2/error_log allows one to see the error messages as they appear in the log. The location of the log file on your server is likely to be different. You can find a reference to it in the Apache configuration file.

Troubleshooting Specific Issues

Symptom Information
When viewing a problem with the "images" display mode, equations are not displayed, are corrupted, or are otherwise incorrect. Troubleshooting Equation Images
When viewing a problem with the "images" display mode, users get an error message similar to "cd .../ImageGenerator.geAu1ff9 && /usr/bin/dvipng -bg Transparent -D120 equation > dvipng.out 2> dvipng.err returned non-zero status 256: Inappropriate ioctl for device". Troubleshooting Equation Images
When generating hardcopy with the "Show Correct Answers" option enabled, users get an error message similar to HASH(0x18fa4348) in the subroutine DateTime::TimeZone::new. Troubleshooting DateTime
When generating hardcopy containing images, users get an error message similar to "failed to convert file.gif to file.png using gif->png: Inappropriate ioctl for device". Troubleshooting Image Conversion
A PG header file which works when used as a set header file (online) does not display properly when used as a hardcopy header file (or vice versa). Troubleshooting Header Files
When I try to check out a module from the CVS repository, I get this error: Operation timed out followed by cvs [checkout aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any) Troubleshooting CVS
The PDF or TeX hardcopy for a problem set is not displaying properly. Troubleshooting Hardcopy