WeBWorK references

References to WeBWorK
  • in passing -- while mentioning other educational software
  • short -- one paragraph references,
  • long -- longer descriptions or complete articles on some aspect of WeBWorK
  • citations -- citations of a WeBWorK site or a central WeBWorK article
date: 28 August 2012
Title Gameification and web based homework
type: Journal article
author: Geoff Goehler
source: http://polaris.cs.wcu.edu/~goehle/cheevopaper.pdf
summary: Describes the design and implementation of the MathAchievement module of WeBWorK and the experience of using the module in the classroom for a year.
Length of WeBWorK reference: Long
Displayed?:is displayed
Approved?: approved
("Citation" means that the article references a WeBWorK site or an article by a WeBWorK author.)