WeBWorK references

References to WeBWorK
  • in passing -- while mentioning other educational software
  • short -- one paragraph references,
  • long -- longer descriptions or complete articles on some aspect of WeBWorK
  • citations -- citations of a WeBWorK site or a central WeBWorK article
date: 1 January 2012
Title Facilitating WeBWorK problem authoring
pubLink: http://www.wpi.edu/Pubs/E-project/Available/E-project-043012-012254/unrestricted/IQP_JP1102_FINAL_REPORT.pdf
type: Undergraduate paper
author: Ma, Q., Selvo, N., Tang, C. & Yang, Z.
summary: Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Length of WeBWorK reference:
("Citation" means that the article references a WeBWorK site or an article by a WeBWorK author.)