Hi Lars,
I use the screenSetHeader.pg file to introduce the material that will
be covered in a problem set. Short notes fit nicely in that file,
longer notes or pdf copies of TeXed lecture notes can also be linked to
from that page.
In the set definition file I set the header files as follows: openDate = 1/03/03 at 6:00am dueDate = 1/31/03 at 6:00am answerDate = 1/31/03 at 11:00am paperHeaderFile = screenSetHeader2.pg screenHeaderFile = screenSetHeader2.pg problemList =
Notice that I use the same file for both the paperHeaderFile and the
screenheaderFile. Within the file itself I have some material which is
printed for TeX output and some which is printed for output to the
Here is an example of the file I use:
loadMacros( "PG.pl", "PGbasicmacros.pl", "PGchoicemacros.pl", "PGanswermacros.pl" );
TEXT(MODES(TeX =>EV3(<<'EOT'),HTML=>"",Latex2HTML=>"")); \noindent {\large \bf $studentName} \hfill \noindent {\large \bf MTH 143 $sectionNumber Spring 2003} \par
$BBOLD WeBWorK assignment number $setNumber is due : $formattedDueDate. $EBOLD
$PAR (This is early Friday morning, so it needs to be done THURSDAY night!) Remember to get this done early! $PAR The \{ htmlLink(qq!http://www.math.rochester.edu/courses/143/home/!,"home page") \} for the course contains the syllabus, grading policy, and other information. $PAR END_TEXT
################## # EDIT BELOW HERE ################## BEGIN_TEXT $PAR
The material is covered in Chapters 11.1 and 11.2 of Stewart.
Sequences can do one of four things $BR (1) Go to positive infinity $BR (2) Go to negative infinity $BR (3) Oscillate $BR (4) Converge $BR $PAR
For a series whose $LQ velocity $RQ terms are positive the sequence of partial sums must increase, hence possibilities (2) and (3) are eliminated. If you can show that the sum (i.e. the total distance) doesn't go to infinity then it MUST converge. That is the basis of all of the comparison tests! That's all there is to it, just eliminate possibility (1) to show that the series converges.
$PAR END_TEXT ################## # EDIT ABOVE HERE ################## BEGIN_TEXT The primary purpose of WeBWorK is to let you know that you are getting the correct answer or to alert you if you are making some kind of mistake. Usually you can attempt a problem as many times as you want before the due date. However, if you are having trouble figuring out your error, you should consult the book, or ask a fellow student, one of the TA's or your professor for help. Don't spend a lot of time guessing -- it's not very efficient or effective. $PAR Give 4 or 5 significant digits for (floating point) numerical answers. For most problems when entering numerical answers, you can if you wish enter elementary expressions such as \( 2\wedge3 \) instead of 8, \( sin(3*pi/2) \)instead of -1, \( e\wedge (ln(2)) \) instead of 2, \( (2+tan(3))*(4-sin(5))\wedge6-7/8 \) instead of 27620.3413, etc. Here's the \{ htmlLink(qq!http://webwork.math.rochester.edu/docs/docs/pglanguage/availableFunctions.html!, "list of the functions") \} which WeBWorK understands. $PAR You can use the Feedback button on each problem page to send e-mail to the professors.
ENDDOCUMENT(); # This should be the last executable line in the problem.
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