Hi Gregg,
I'm not sure how this happened and have never seen it before. What
occured is that when your Summer sets were built, in the webwork
database there were two students with blank student id's and balnk
names that problems were built for. I don't know how this occured. Did
you do anything strange? The two sudents have login names mh and rg,
but no real names or student id's. You are using WeBWorK 1.7 (I'm about
to upgrade you to WeBWorK 1.9) and at some point we added code so that
hopefully such things are impossibe. I hope the code was added in
WeBWorK 1.8 or obviously it's buggy.
When you score a set the scoring file is produced even though you get
an error message. On the scoring page (item 2) select html format and
scr files and download sSummer1scr.csv. You will see the students
scores and also the two blank students. The scores will not be totaled
and added to the totals file because the scoring files are corrupted
(two students have identical blank id's). However you can download them
(e.g. select csv format), put them into Excel, and total the results,
etc. WeBWorK refuses to deal with corrupted files --- you have to work
with them yourselves. If you want to do this, you can and don't need to
make any changes.
If you look at the classlist database from the classlist page you do
not see the blank students. If you look at View statistical data (Item
1 the prof page) set 0 is fine. Notice set 0 has 18 regular students in
the "summer" section and 13 other students (practice students, etc.) in
the "no name" section. If you do this for sets Summer1, ..., Summer4
you will get a pink screen and notice there are 18 regular students and
15 other students (2 EXTRA). These 2 extra students do not occur in
View students progress (Item 3 the prof page)--- I don't know why. So
to find them I ran the command line script export_webwork-database.pl
and found their id's (mh and rg) and associated psvn's: 94949, 77089,
68028, 76813, 59194, 88744, 51540, 41864. You can plug these psvn's
into Item 10 on the prof page and look at them and see they have no
real names or student ID's. If you want you can use item 10 to delete
these 8 sets and that should solve your problem. But before you try
that, make a copy (from the command line) of the WeBWorK db. Actually,
just to be doubly safe, I just made a backup (called
CHS-CONNECT_webwork_DB.6-17-03). Note that you can not undo deleting a
problem set. I assume this should work, but no one has been in this
situation before that I know of. If you make a copy of the WeBWorK db,
then try the deletions (be sure to double check you are deleting the
blank studetns) and check that things work OK, you should be safe. If
there are problems, just copy the backed db onto the real webwork db
(CHS-CONNECT_webwork_DB) and you will be back to where you were before
the deletions.
The other option (outlined above) is to live with the corrupted sets and score them using Excel or add the scores by hand.
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