Can WW be configured so that when a student clicks Grade Test on a gateway quiz
he sees his quiz statistics but is not told which problems he solved correctly? If not,
what code should I consider modifying to effect this change? Thanks.
I have functionality in the HEAD (unstable) branch of the WeBWorK CVS that allows tests to be flagged to determine if students see their score or not, and if they see their work or not. The latter results in them not knowing what problem(s) they worked incorrectly, but it also means that they can't see the test after they've completed it.
It may be that we want to expand this so that there are three flags: whether to show students' scores, whether to show their work, and whether to show the test itself after it has been completed. Adding the last wouldn't be hard. Please let me know if you think this is a good idea.
As a side note, there are a couple of things that broke with Gateway/Quizzes in the HEAD branch when the new database model went in. I hope to get those fixed when I'm back in the country after the weekend of the 26th.
It may be that we want to expand this so that there are three flags: whether to show students' scores, whether to show their work, and whether to show the test itself after it has been completed. Adding the last wouldn't be hard. Please let me know if you think this is a good idea.
As a side note, there are a couple of things that broke with Gateway/Quizzes in the HEAD branch when the new database model went in. I hope to get those fixed when I'm back in the country after the weekend of the 26th.
The more flags the better, it seems to me. I'd like students to be able to see their scores, and to see their completed exams. But I'd like to have the option of keeping them from knowing the correct answers.
Sounds good. I'll look at adding that when I get back in town and can update the system.
Hi Gavin,
Is this update available?
Is this update available?