been trying to use the checkbox multiple choice feature, and while I
can successfully write problems that do work, I also get errors when
using checkbox_cmp . Ordinarily I would associate this with my own
ineptitude, however, I have copied used the example problem distributed
with WW ( WW/templates/setGenericQuestions/CheckboxMult.pg ) as well as
retyped the example given in the "WW Newbie Guide" by Shemanske and I
get the same problem.
Here is the call to checkbox_cmp from CheckboxMult.pg:
ANS( checkbox_cmp( $cmc -> correct_ans ) );
And here is the series of errors:
* Use of uninitialized value in string comparison (cmp) at (eval 124) line 1405.
##More details:
-------- main::__ANON__ called at /usr/local/webwork/system/lib//PGtranslator.pm line 1449
---- PGtranslator::PGsort called at (eval 124) line 1405
---- main::lex_sort called at (eval 130) line 1960
---- main::ignore_order called at (eval 130) line 1915
---- main::str_filters called at (eval 130) line 2295
---- main::checkbox_cmp called at (eval 52) line 45
---- main::__ANON__ called at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/Safe.pm line 223
---- Safe::reval called at /usr/local/webwork/system/lib//PGtranslator.pm line 714
---- PGtranslator::translate called at /usr/local/webwork/system/cgi/cgi-scripts/processProblem8.pl line 441
The funny thing about this is that if I answer the problem correctly,
it is recognized as a correct answer, likewise it's marked incorrect if
answered incorrectly. Nevertheless, I get the magneta colored
background and the above series of errors.
Is there something perhaps wrong with our installation, or is this a common problem?
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