Hi Andras,
As Mike says, your idea of using a special homework
assignment is very clever. It's also easy to accomplish (at least for a
small class). Here is what to do if you want to report to the students
their scores on individual problems (if you just want to report the total score
on the exam, just use one problem). I'll assume the exam had three problems
worth 20, 30 and 50 points
First create a set definitions file,
setNumber= Exam1 openDate = 02/23/04 at 8:00 am dueDate = 02/23/04 at 8:00 am answerDate = 02/23/04 at 8:00 am #paperHeaderFile = setExam1/paperHeaderFile.pg #screenHeaderFile = setExam1/screenHeaderFile.pg problemList = setExam1/question1.pg, 20 setExam1/question2.pg, 30 setExam1/question3.pg, 50
Note that the open, due, and answer dates are
all the same, e.g. the day and time of the exam. Now here is question1.pg
##DESCRIPTION ##KEYWORDS('dummy question') ##The only purpose of this problem is to report scores ##ENDDESCRIPTION DOCUMENT(); # This should be the first executable line in the problem. loadMacros( PG.pl, PGbasicmacros.pl, ); TEXT(&beginproblem); BEGIN_TEXT This is a dummy question which is being used to report your score on question 1 on the exam. END_TEXT ENDDOCUMENT(); # This should be the last executable line in the problem.
You can use the same
file for all questions if you don't want to mention the question number in the
problem in which case you need to slightly modify the set definition file above.
Then build the set. Now go to the Prof page and select Modify Problem Set for
Student. For each problem fill in a 1 under "Attempted" and the fraction correct (a
number bewteen 0 and 1) under "Frac Corr". For example using our example if a
student got 17, 25, and 40 points on the three problems, fill in .85, .8333, and
.8 . If it is a big class you can fill in the 1 under "Attempted" for everyone
at once by selecting Modify Whole Problem Set on the Prof Page.
Hope this helps,
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