Forum archive 2000-2006

luoy@m... - oracle and webwork

luoy@m... - oracle and webwork

by Arnold Pizer -
Number of replies: 0
inactiveTopicoracle and webwork topic started 6/23/2004; 12:15:04 PM
last post 6/23/2004; 3:34:22 PM
userluoy@m... - oracle and webwork  blueArrow
6/23/2004; 12:15:04 PM (reads: 648, responses: 1)
Is there support for oracle instead of gdbm from webwork? or any SQL DB support? Thanks

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userSam Hathaway - Re: oracle and webwork  blueArrow
6/23/2004; 3:34:22 PM (reads: 856, responses: 0)
WeBWorK 2 supports SQL databases. We have tested with MySQL, but the support is general enough that it will support other SQL servers. A couple of things will need to be changed:

There is a mechanism for overriding table names that are reserved words. For example, we currently override the names of the "set" table and the "key" table (using "set_not_a_keyword" and "key_not_a_keyword") for MySQL. For Postgres, one must add an override for "user" as well. I don't know anything about Oracle SQL so you might have to experiment with it.

Since each course currently has it's own database, course creation is highly SQL server dependent. Fortunately, the server-specific code is localized in the WeBWorK::Utils::CourseManagement module, and support for additional servers can be added easily.

If you'd like to pursue this, post here for advice. -sam

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