error on line 195 is because some permission level is defined, but not
numeric. Possibly global_user? I've added it to the bug list. It's not
For the second error: Add the following line to the file courses/admin/course.conf
(it provides a location for the log file which lists which courses have been created.)
# Admin log for listing courses created
$webworkFiles{logs}->{hosted_courses} = "$courseDirs{logs}/hosted_courses.log";
Every time you create a new course a line will be added to this log
with the pertinent information -- course name, institution, contact
information, etc.
The directories and files are copied from the model course, but the
databases are not -- so it is not a true cloning. The homework sets are
not automatically created. If, for example, you are creating a new
version of a course you taught last year you should first export all of
the sets to set definition files in the old course. That saves the
homework set structure to the disk. Then create the new course, using
the old one as a model. All files and links will be copied over. You
can then recreate the sets by importing the set definition files.
If you really want a complete clone, you should also export the class
list before creating the new course and then re-import that
classList.lst file into the new course.
You might do this if you are moving a gdbm course to an sql course.
(There may eventually be faster tools to do this, but for now this is a
reasonable work-around.)
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