We (and our students) are experiencing the error below, apparently due to high demand. However, demand actually doesn't seem that high - I got the error just now, but counted about 50 active users.
Any ideas about the cause and/or possible solutions?
Thanks a lot,
(Some Specs: WW 2.2.1/mysql 3.23/freebsd)
Warning messages
Error messages
error instantiating DB driver WeBWorK::DB::Driver::SQL for table problem_user: DBI connect('webwork','webworkRead',...) failed: Too many connections at /usr/www/webwork/lib/WeBWorK/DB/Driver/SQL.pm line 62
at /usr/www/webwork/lib/WeBWorK.pm line 212
Call stack
The information below can help locate the source of the problem.
in Carp::croak called at line 221 of /usr/www/webwork/lib/WeBWorK/DB.pm
in WeBWorK::DB::new called at line 212 of /usr/www/webwork/lib/WeBWorK.pm