Hi Lars,
In that WeBWorK2 requires mod_perl, I'll assume that the first question
("is there a gain the Debian apache-perl module") relates to the
question of whether a statically linked binary is significantly better
than a dynamically linked one. I think the answer to that is that there
may be a slight speedup from using a statically linked binary, but that
it's not going to be significant.
Obviously going from a non-mod_perl to a mod_perl apache server
provides a marked speedup for Perl applications even if the application
is only run from the cgi-perl directory instead of the perl directory.
I'm not familiar with libapache-mod-speedycgi. It sounds like something
that provides limited mod_perl like functionality without requiring
that one put in a full mod_perl server, which has a conspicuously
larger memory footprint then a regular one.
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