I'm trying to upgrade from WW 1.9 to WW 2.1. I have previously install
WW 1.8 and 1.9 but this is my first attempt at any version of webwork2.
Just to make sure there was nothing old lying around to get in the way
I repartitioned and reformatted the disks and rebuilt the OS (Debian
Linux 3.1, 'sarge' distribution) from the ground up.
I then started following the directions at
I downloaded the tarballs as directed (webwork-2.1.3.tar.gz and
pg-3.1.3.tar.gz) and opened them up in /opt/webwork2 and /opt/pg. Since
most of the supporting software is available as a Debian package I used
# apt-get install <package-name>
to install the Debian packages and
# perl -MCPAN -e "install Module"
to install the perl modules that don't exist as Debian packages.
All seemed to go well until I checked the installation using
'check_modules.pl'. It complained that the module SOAP::Lite was
missing so I installed it like the other perl modules. I didn't see
anything in the prior documentation about SOAP::Lite but perhaps I just
missed it. If it isn't there I suggest that the installation page be
modified to include it. (Not a big deal. Anyone with a clue can see
what to do here, but I like Webwork a lot and I'd like to see it spread
far and wide. Unfortunately, that means including the clueless (:-)
After that again all seemed to go well until I started reconfiguring Apache. I modified the /server-info stanza as follows:
<Location /server-info>
SetHandler server-info
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from .ds.psu.edu
but when I tried to point my browser at
I got this error:
The requested URL /server-info was not found on this server.
Apache/1.3.33 Server at oak.ds.psu.edu Port 80
After reading the discussion at
I decided that this probably wasn't much of concern so I moved on. (Should I be concerned?)
Again all seemed to go well. I now seem to have the initial page up and going at
and it is time to begin building the admin course but the instructions
have stopped making sense to me. Undoubtedly this is because with
regard to mysql I have to count myself among the clueless.
The installation manual says that I should
"Please read the CourseAdministrationManual for information about
creating courses.
This command creates a course named admin, storing course data in
in sql database named webwork_admin. --sql-user and --sql-pass
specify the username and password of a user of the SQL database
server that has permission to create databases.
Users are imported from the file courses/adminClasslist.lst, and
the user admin (the only user listed in adminClasslist.lst) is
given professor privileges."
Presumably the command referred to is the 'addcourse' coummand
mentioned in the CourseAdministrationManual and apparently I'm to
execute it on the command line as
addcourse --sql-user <username> --sql-pass <password>
Is that correct?
If so what user and password should I use? Were these setup for me when
I installed mysql using apt-get? If not, what do I have to do to create
As I said I'm sure the problem is my complete ignorance of mysql. If
anyone can help me out I would be most grateful. If it would be easier
I'll even let you log on and do it for me provided you'll save a
transcript of the session and send it to me so I can learn. Whatever is
Thanks in advance,
-- Bud Boman
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