I'm sure this is a problem that has been solved multiple times but I
can't seem to find it in the archives. Could someone either point me to
the existing solution or answer my questions below, please?
Naturally Penn State's electronically generated classlists are in a
different format than U. of Rochester's. I've written a PSU --> UR
translator in perl which seems to work reasonably well on the command
line, but I'd really prefer to have it be called as a subroutine either
when I upload or import the classlist. (I'm trying to expand the use of
WW 2.1 at Penn State and it's is easier to convince people to give it a
try if things are seamless.)
Unfortunately I don't yet know much about the logical structure of WW.
Could someone tell me where to store the subroutine so that WW 2.1 can
find it? Also which makes more sense calling the subroutine after
uploading or before importing?
-- Bud
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