I'm not sure what version of jsMath I have, but I cannot find a small
"jsMath" button on the lower right of any of my problem pages.
Then you probably have jsMath v1.7e (which is what
shipped with WW2.1.3 in August). There were a number of MSIE-specific
fixes in jsMath v2.1, so you will probably ned to get that. One of them
had to do with placement issues, so I'm hoping that will fix it for you.
I downloaded the stuff from the jsMath web site so I'm guessing I don't have v2
You should not need to download anything from the jsMath site.
Everything required by WW is included in the webwork2/htdocs/jsMath
directory. (Though STUDENTS may want to download the fonts from the
jsMath site. In the past, this was pretty important, but with jsMath
v2, it is less critical, as the image fallback fonts work pretty well.)
It might be better to only use the "images" and "jsMath" options. The "images" option is working fine.
You can remove the other ones from the options panel by setting the
value of the $pg{displayModes} variable in global.conf. For example
$pg{displayModes} = [ qw(images jsMath) ];
would do it. One of the matching problems had the three formulas
to be matched printed on top of each other. In other problems, the
composition symbol "\circ" is shown as a square and in other cases,
"\bar x" only shows the bar but no x.
These (or at least the latter ones) sound like
problems related to the unicode fallback method, which should be
alleviated if we can get you jsMath version 2. I'm hopnig the
overlapping problems are also taken care of there (I haven't seen that
one before).
I followed the instructions to access the CVS and (once again) I seem to be doing something wrong.
It's a little tricky, and one thing that is not mentioned there is that
it requires ssh protocol version 2. You might have only an ssh1
implementation (that was the case for the ssh that ships with Mac OS X
for example -- luckily I had a version of ssh2 that I had compiled for
other reasons).
I could not get "Option 2" from the WeBWorK CVS page to work but I did
get "Option 1" to work. This option does not require a config file in
.ssh, and no, the helper file does not include an extension. It should
be made executable, however (e.g., chmod +x ~/.ssh/webwork-anoncvs-helper ).
I did have to edit this file to use ssh2 rather than ssh, but you may
not have to do that if your ssh is already ssh2 (the command in the
file does try to force the level 2 protocol with the -2 switch, but
that didn't seem to work for me). Other than that, I simply followed
the instructions for setting up the file and creating the wwcvs command.
Once you have that set up, however, you will need to check out a NEW
copy of the files you want, not use cvs in the directories from the
WW2.1.3 tarball. Although the tar file contains CVS directories, these
will not be set up to be used by you remotely. (Mike: should these
really be included in the tar file?) It is because of these incorrect
CVS files that you were asked for gage's password (since Mike's user ID
is the one stored in the CVS files).
Instead, try
cd /tmp wwvcs d :ext:anoncvs@cvs.webwork.rochester.edu:/webwork/cvs/system checkout webwork2/htdocs/jsMath cp -R webwork2/htdocs/jsMath path-to-ww2-on-your-system/webwork2/htdocs/jsMath rm -rf /tmp/webwork2 cd path-to-ww2-on-your-system/webwork2/htdocs/jsMath tar vfxz jsMath-fonts.tar.gz
There are also changes to global.conf and to pg/macros/PG.pl that are needed for jsMath version 2. First, in global.conf , change $webworkURLs{jsMath} to be
$webworkURLs{jsMath} = "$webworkURLs{htdocs}/jsMath/jsMath-ww.js";
and change $pg{displayModeOptions}{jsMath} to be
$pg{displayModeOptions}{jsMath} = { reportMissingFonts => 0, # set to 1 to allow the missing font message missingFontMessage => undef, # set to an HTML string to replace the missing font message noImageFonts => 0, # set to 1 if you didn't install the jsMath image fonts };
For pg/macros/PG.pl, it looks like you should be able to get the
current version of that without ill effect (but save the old one just
in case). You can either check it out using CVS (analogous to the
example above), or get a copy from the web version of CVS at
Hope that works for you.
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