Our students have suddenly started getting the message
cd /local/webwork2/tmp/ImageGenerator.f7Y6WudJ &&
/usr/bin/dvipng -bgtransparent -D120 -q -depth equation > dvipng.out
2> dvipng.err returned non-zero status 34304: Inappropriate ioctl
for device at /local/pg/lib/WeBWorK/PG/ImageGenerator.pm line 361.
This is happening for a large fraction of problems, but not for all of
them. To make sure this is really the case, I made up a completely new
problem set and viewed the problems, and I still saw the behavior that
some equations would display and others would not. It is the same
dvipng status 34304 error every time an error occurs. I checked to see
if the image files are being created despite the error messages, and
they aren't.
A possible trigger for this behavior is that I restarted Webwork last
night, and I also ran dvipng without any input to see which version we
are using (it is version 1.0 ). I do not see why either of these should
have this effect, though.
I have tried everything I can think of to troubleshoot this error and am coming up blank.
Any help would be appreciated.
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