you are using mysql (which I recommend) then you should be creating
courses in the sql_single mode (the other modes, sql, and gdbm are
around only for backward compatibility -- they will eventually
disappear) In that case you should have zero global_users. A
global_user was used by the gdbm database to simulate a problem set
that had not yet been assigned to anyone.
Practice users operate as before. Any user named practice1, practice2,
etc. is treated as a guest and their scores are not remembered. If you
import the classlist demoCourse.lst it will automatically create
several practice users for you.
Two students can have the same student ID since student ID's are not
the primary key in WeBWorK's database. There is some question as to
whether this is a good idea from the point of view checking potential
errors in the classlist. We could add an extra check to insure that no
two student ID's are the same in a given course. There are pluses and
minuses to this. See Should Student IDs be unique?
In WeBWorK1.9 where ID's had to be unique one had to assign a fictious
student ID to users such as the practice users. This is no longer
necessary in WeBWorK2 -- all of the practice users could be assigned
the same student ID: 111-11-1111 without problem. This would change of
course if we start requiring a unique student ID for each student.
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