thanks for your replies and help.
Regarding the $pg_dir issue, I check again with
$pg_dir = $ce->{pg_dir};
and it works! (so it was not a problem).
Concerning the assignement problem, I understand better the way of
doing in WebWork, and I have checked that if the student are registered
in the moodle course, I can easily assigned all to the problem set
before they tried the webwork homework. The problem remains for
students who register after the start of the moodle course (and in my
university, this is unfortunately the case), but I can solve it (with
I also try the last wwassignment/lib.php, and now it works: i.e; I got
the grade).However, I had to change in the debug_log subroutine
the name of the debug file
$fh = fopen("/tmp/moodle_debug", "w");
and I commented the line 333 (call to debug_log)
I am also trying to translate some part of the webwork user interface
in French.
I have translated the file setHeader.pg, and it works. But when you
download the hardcopy, all the accent dissapear, because latex is not
configured to use french input.
I had to put something like:
in the Latex preambule of my latex files.
How can I do it in Webwork
OK I solve it. I had to modified the file hardcopyPreamble.tex
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