Forum archive 2000-2006

Mark Hamrick - WWMOODLE

Mark Hamrick - WWMOODLE

by Arnold Pizer -
Number of replies: 0
inactiveTopicWWMOODLE topic started 7/24/2006; 4:43:34 PM
last post 7/27/2006; 1:46:31 PM
userMark Hamrick - WWMOODLE  blueArrow
7/24/2006; 4:43:34 PM (reads: 288, responses: 8)
I am getting the error message below. I am not quite sure what to make of it, but it has stopped me in my tracks on getting Moodle and Webwork installed.

I noticed the comments on around 518 of about some commented out code not work, is this a Perl version issue?

Warning messages

Error messages

Undefined subroutine CGI::radio at /opt/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/ContentGenerator/ line 518

Call stack

The information below can help locate the source of the problem.

* in Carp::croak called at line 818 of /usr/share/perl/5.8/ * in CGI::_compile called at line 782 of /usr/share/perl/5.8/ * in CGI::AUTOLOAD called at line 518 of /opt/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/ContentGenerator/ * in WeBWorK::ContentGenerator::CourseAdmin::add_course_form called at line 317 of /opt/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/ContentGenerator/ * in WeBWorK::ContentGenerator::CourseAdmin::body called at line 152 of /opt/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/ * in WeBWorK::Template::template called at line 479 of /opt/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/ * in WeBWorK::ContentGenerator::content called at line 246 of /opt/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/ContentGenerator/ * in WeBWorK::ContentGenerator::CourseAdmin::content called at line 187 of /opt/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/ * in WeBWorK::ContentGenerator::go called at line 340 of /opt/webwork2/lib/

Request information Method GET URI /webwork2/admin/ HTTP Headers Keep-Alive 300 Accept-Charset ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7 User-Agent Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20060210 Fedora/1.7.12-1.2.3.legacy Accept text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5 Connection keep-alive Referer http://duck/webwork2/admin/ Accept-Encoding gzip,deflate Cache-Control max-age=0 Accept-Language en-us,en;q=0.5 Cookie MOODLEID_=%25ED%25C3%251CC%25B7d Host duck

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userMark Hamrick - Re: WWMOODLE  blueArrow
7/24/2006; 5:05:18 PM (reads: 332, responses: 0)
One other issue that I forgot to mention. Though WebWork can be installed and brought up with Debian Stable, the version of MySQL is below the requirement for Moodle. I attempted to pull the packages from Debian testing, the end result was a machine that would not boot.

I reinstalled with Debian testing to save time debugging, and Moodle and Webwork are installed.

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userMichael Gage - Re: WWMOODLE  blueArrow
7/24/2006; 5:58:30 PM (reads: 328, responses: 1)
oops. This is a bug I introduced while I was trying to make sure that all HTML creation was passed through CGI or a similar replacement. Change
			CGI::td({style=>"text-align: right"},
# why did this not work? because values aren't escaped?
# '<input type="radio" name="add_dbLayout" value="' . $dbLayout . '"'
# . ($add_dbLayout eq $dbLayout ? 'checked=>"1"' : '') . ' />',
CGI::radio(-name =>"add_dbLayout",
-value => $dbLayout,
-checked => ($add_dbLayout eq $dbLayout) ? 1 : 0,




			CGI::td({style=>"text-align: right"},
# why did this not work? because values aren't escaped?
'<input type="radio" name="add_dbLayout" value="' . $dbLayout . '"'
. ($add_dbLayout eq $dbLayout ? 'checked=>"1"' : '') . ' />',
# CGI::radio(-name =>"add_dbLayout",
# -value => $dbLayout,
# -checked => ($add_dbLayout #eq $dbLayout) ? 1 : 0,
# ),


I'll bug report this and fix it as soon as I get a chance.

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userSam Hathaway - Re: WWMOODLE  blueArrow
7/24/2006; 9:27:27 PM (reads: 324, responses: 1)
Hi Mark,

You might check out -- they provide packages from Debian testing compiled for use with Debian stable.

Still, I'm surprised that upgrading mysql caused a non-booting box. Did it try to bring in the testing version of libc or a new kernel? That can sometimes be a problem, and using a backport or compiling a backport yourself from source will avoid that.

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userMichael Gage - Re: WWMOODLE  blueArrow
7/24/2006; 10:48:59 PM (reads: 368, responses: 0)
This has now been fixed in the CVS version of

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userMark Hamrick - Re: WWMOODLE  blueArrow
7/26/2006; 4:44:48 PM (reads: 302, responses: 0)

I found some more interesting issues. After getting the redirect setup so that Moodle could get to webwork, I know have WWMoodle up and running. The problem I am seeing is with the bar that goes across the top of the screen in Moodle when it is displaying Webwork:

* WWMoodle * CF101 * [[modulenameplural]] * CF101


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userMark Hamrick - Re: WWMOODLE  blueArrow
7/26/2006; 4:47:18 PM (reads: 345, responses: 0)
Sam, it needed both a new kernel and libc. I was not surprised the box died.

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userMichael Gage - Re: WWMOODLE  blueArrow
7/26/2006; 5:21:49 PM (reads: 295, responses: 0)
This is probably a purely moodle issue and comes from the fact that moodle switched to using utf8 encoding. Moodle can't find the english language translation of these labels because it is looking in lang/en instead of lang/en_utf8 or vice versa.

Probably you want to catch up, so make sure that wwassignment.php and the help/wwassignment directory are under moodle/lang/en_utf8

Now as a moodle administrator go to the admin page, choose maintenance, put it in maintenance mode and convert to the uft8 encoding.

This link may help.

There is at least one link missing in wwassignment itself. I just found an instance of "wwmoodle" which I changed to wwassignment.

Inside moodle/mod/wwassignment type cvs update to get my corrections.

-- Mike

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userMark Hamrick - Re: WWMOODLE  blueArrow
7/27/2006; 1:46:31 PM (reads: 294, responses: 0)
Mike, the update took of the problems. Thanks!

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