Forum archive 2000-2006

Neil Sigmon - Having Trouble Generating Hardcopies for problem sets

Neil Sigmon - Having Trouble Generating Hardcopies for problem sets

by Arnold Pizer -
Number of replies: 0
inactiveTopicHaving Trouble Generating Hardcopies for problem sets topic started 8/23/2006; 3:56:32 PM
last post 8/24/2006; 4:01:21 PM
userNeil Sigmon - Having Trouble Generating Hardcopies for problem sets  blueArrow
8/23/2006; 3:56:32 PM (reads: 211, responses: 2)

My name is Neil Sigmon. I teach in the math department at Radford University.

We are currently in process of trying to get WeBWorK 2.2 installed. When we attempt to generate a pdf file for assignment, it gives a us a blank page saying Page not found. For example, I have a course entitled Math251-test and a setdefinition file called setneil. On the hardcopy generator page, when I click the generate hardcopies for selected sets, it takes be to a blank page at address

There seems to be no hardcopy directory under MATH251-test. However, it does seem to be generating the hardcopy pdf file. I was able to find it in the directory


under the name MATH251-test.npsigmon.setneil.def.pdf

In our global.conf file, we traced back to the location of where WeBWorK expects to find tocation of web-accessible temporary files, such as equation images and did trace this back to

$webworkDirs{htdocs_temp} = "$webworkDirs{htdocs}/tmp";

and traced this to .../webwork2/htdocs/tmp

The tmp directory does exists and appears to be writeable by the webserver.

I hope what I said make sense - I am pretty much a beginner when it comes to all of this. Thank you.

Neil Sigmon

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userMichael Gage - Re: Having Trouble Generating Hardcopies for problem sets  blueArrow
8/24/2006; 2:49:56 PM (reads: 269, responses: 0)
Hi Neil,

for comparison -- when I print set0 I get the following url:
and the pdf file is found at

in the directory

It looks to me like your file is being put in the right place, but your url is not correct.

In particular your file name should end with the extension .pdf, and so should the url. I'm not sure why the .def extension is there -- that occurs for the set definition file setneil.def which is created when you export the set setneil. (If you called your set setneil.def then that would explain it -- it probably doesn't cause any trouble, but the common practice is to use setneil and then the .def will added automatically to the file when you export the set. The "set" is also optional -- you could just call it "neil", but when using numbers we usually found set0 more natural than just 0.

Next the directory for hardcopy is one for each course, not system wide. In global.conf it is found a few lines down frmo the tmp directory you describe above:


# Location of web-accessible, course-specific temporary files, like static and
# dynamically-generated PG graphics.

$courseDirs{html_temp} = "/ww/htdocs/tmp/$courseName"; #"$courseDirs{html}/tmp";
$courseURLs{html_temp} = "/tmp/$courseName"; #"$courseURLs{html}/tmp";

my directory and url are non-standard -- the default locations are


# Location of web-accessible, course-specific temporary files, like static and
# dynamically-generated PG graphics.
$courseDirs{html_temp} = "$courseDirs{html}/tmp";
$courseURLs{html_temp} = "$courseURLs{html}/tmp";

My guess is that your file could be found if you used the url:

Hope this is enough information for you to trouble shoot the connections. I'd start with fixing $courseURLs[html_temp}

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userDavide P. Cervone - Re: Having Trouble Generating Hardcopies for problem sets  blueArrow
8/24/2006; 4:01:21 PM (reads: 265, responses: 0)
I think the address should be

(using /webwork2_course_files rather than just /webwork2) instead of the address Mike suggested (his custom configuration will have made it hard to get the standard addresses).

I suspect that you may have incorrectly set one of the variables in the global.dist file. In particular, if you have changed $webwork_courses_url to /webwork2 (which is what it looks like from the address you gave), that was a mistake. It should be left as /webwork2_course_files:

    $webwork_courses_url = "/webwork2_course_files";
Also leave $webwork_course_dir alone. (Mike, should there be comments in the file saying these should not need to be changed? Others have made this mistake as well.)

Do not be confused that this is not the address of an actual directory on your server; that is correct. It is redirected to the actual directory by an AliasMatch directive in the apache control file for WeBWorK (see webwork.apache-config.dist in the webwork2/conf directory). Under the standard setup, the address I listed above would be mapped to the directory where you found the .pdf file (though the file name is still not right -- not sure about what is happening with that).


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