Site news -- pre 2010.

WeBWorK "symposium", Fri 5:30 at Thirsty Bear, 661 Howard St

WeBWorK "symposium", Fri 5:30 at Thirsty Bear, 661 Howard St

by Michael Gage -
Number of replies: 0
The semi-annual WeBWorK Symposium* will be held at
Friday Jan 15, from 5:30 to 7:30 or later at the Thirsty Bear, 661 Howard St. (just north of Moscone West).

The last installment of the MAA Online Homework session is Friday from 2:20-4:55pm in Moscone Rm 3002 and we will walk to the Thirsty Bear from there.

All WeBWorKers and other interested persons invited.

The Thirsty Bear is a brewpub and tapas eatery. In addition to drinks some of us will also eat there, or if it is too crowded, move to Chevy's Fresh Mex next door.

* " a drinking party or convivial discussion, esp. as held in ancient Greece after a banquet (and notable as the title of a work by Plato)" Origin: late 16th cent. (denoting a drinking party) via Latin from Greek... -- from the Oxford American Dictionaries. It's true that it's now the second definition, but the Greeks were first and it was their word.