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Problems with Webwork "PGCore" after upgrading PG to head version

Problems with Webwork "PGCore" after upgrading PG to head version

by Adam Weyhaupt -
Number of replies: 1
Yesterday, our admins upgraded PG to the HEAD version. I'm now periodically getting the error listed below.

I can't trace this down to any particular problem, nor have I been able to systematically duplicate this, although about 10 minutes of modifying problems and playing around with questions seems to do the trick. Sometimes, but not always, the error seems to persist on all of the problems and I even get the error message in the "course info" box.

I know this isn't much to go on, but can anyone provide some advice on how to troubleshoot this further? Thanks!



WeBWorK Error
WeBWorK has encountered a software error while attempting to process this problem. It is likely that there is an error in the problem itself. If you are a student, report this error message to your professor to have it corrected. If you are a professor, please consult the error output below for more information.

Error messages

Can't locate object method "new" via package "PGcore" (perhaps you forgot to load "PGcore"?) at line 30 of (eval 1239) Died within main::DOCUMENT called at line 5 of (eval 2810)

Error details

ERROR caught by Translator while processing problem file:setch5sec2fractions/p27.pg
Can't locate object method "new" via package "PGcore" (perhaps you forgot to load "PGcore"?) at line 30 of (eval 1239)
Died within main::DOCUMENT called at line 5 of (eval 2810)


------Input Read
2 #In Progress!
6 loadMacros(
7 "PGstandard.pl",
8 "MathObjects.pl",
9 "contextLimitedPolynomial.pl",
10 "PGinfo.pl",
11 "PGSIUE.pl",
12 );
In reply to Adam Weyhaupt

Re: Problems with Webwork "PGCore" after upgrading PG to head version

by Michael Gage -
The fact that the problem is intermittent leads me to believe that the apache server was not stopped and restarted after the upgrade. This means that some of the child processes are still operating using software that was loaded when they started (before the new modules such as PGcore were added). A child process that was created more recently won't have this problem.

Let us know whether restarting the apache server corrects the problem.

-- Mike