Our instructors are very good at testing the limits of my knowledge.
I had an instructor go to
Instructor Tools -> Course Configuration -> Permissions
I don't know what he did, but simple.conf in his course directory ended up looking like:
$permissionLevels{login} = undef;
$permissionLevels{submit_feedback} = undef;
$permissionLevels{report_bugs} = undef;
$permissionLevels{view_answers} = undef;
$permissionLevels{view_unopened_sets} = 'professor';
$permissionLevels{show_correct_answers_before_answer_date} = 'professor';
$permissionLevels{show_solutions_before_answer_date} = 'professor';
which meant that no one could log in.
I solved this problem by:
1) archiving the course.
2) opening up the .tar.gz archive and deleting simple.conf
3) unarchiving the course.
Is there a smarter way I could have repaired the login permissions setting?
If you have access to the server, you can edit simple.conf directly an avoid the archive and unarchive steps. That's all I can think of if you're locked out of the course.
Hi Sam,
Is that really true? The comments at the top of the file say:
# This file is automatically generated by WeBWorK's web-based
# configuration module. Do not make changes directly to this
# file. It will be overwritten the next time configuration
# changes are saved.
That made me think that WeBWorK doesn't ordinarily read this file (though I was hoping it read the file when unarchiving a course, so that getting rid of it would return me to a default configuration).
IIRC, that warning is designed to discourage you from adding arbitrary statements to that file. Just changing the values for existing variables should be OK.
The test would be to change a value and then go into Course Configuration and see if that change is reflected in the corresponding field.
The test would be to change a value and then go into Course Configuration and see if that change is reflected in the corresponding field.
Great - you're correct! Thanks for the help.