I am having difficulty disabling the evaluation of constants, as the following example shows.
$f = Formula("2^x");
$df = $f->D();
The resulting value for $df is (0.693147*2^x) .
How can I get it to be ln(2)*2^x ?
Hi Michael,
If you use Compute() instead of Formula(), the correct answer string is set to the input string: see http://webwork.maa.org/moodle/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=2321 for an example. This may require that you actually code the derivative as $df = Compute("ln(2)*2^x"), rather than using the MathObjects differentiation method, however.
This is harder if you are working with Real valued answers; there are some threads in the Forum on fractional answer evaluation that may be of interest if you end up on that particular road.
If you use Compute() instead of Formula(), the correct answer string is set to the input string: see http://webwork.maa.org/moodle/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=2321 for an example. This may require that you actually code the derivative as $df = Compute("ln(2)*2^x"), rather than using the MathObjects differentiation method, however.
This is harder if you are working with Real valued answers; there are some threads in the Forum on fractional answer evaluation that may be of interest if you end up on that particular road.