WeBWorK Problems

Creating exercises with answers dependent on previous answers

Creating exercises with answers dependent on previous answers

by Bruce Yoshiwara -
Number of replies: 2
I know the parserMultiAnswer will allow me to create exercises in which students need to fill in a table with appropriate ordered pairs.

I'd like to write exercises that ask students to fill in a two-column table of values based on data not given in tabular form. I prefer not to use a one-column table with ordered pairs as entries.

How do I create a two-column table in which the order of the rows does not affect correctness, and for which students are only inputting a subset of all the possible correct answers?

More generally, how can I create exercises in which the student's answer to part (a) determines the correct responses for the student's answer to part (b) and/or part (c)?

Part (a) might be a number ("Choose a number between 1 and 10"), a point ("Choose any point in the second quadrant"), or a function ("Give an example of a linear function").
In reply to Bruce Yoshiwara

Re: Creating exercises with answers dependent on previous answers

by Paul Pearson -
Hi Bruce,

I'm not totally clear on what you want, but I think you should be able to modify the code below to get what you want. You may also want to look into two of the ways to write MultiPart questions at



Best Regards,


##### begin PG code ########

# Initialization




# Setup


$a = 2;
$b = 4;
$c = 3;
$d = 9;

$multians = MultiAnswer($a,$b,$c,$d)->with(
singleResult => 0,
allowBlankAnswers => 1,
checker => sub {
my ( $correct, $student, $self ) = @_;
my ( $stu11, $stu12, $stu21, $stu22 ) = @{$student};
my ( $cor11, $cor12, $cor21, $cor22 ) = @{$correct};

if ( (($cor11==$stu11 && $cor12==$stu12) && ($cor21==$stu21 && $cor22==$stu22)) ||
(($cor21==$stu11 && $cor22==$stu12) && ($cor11==$stu21 && $cor12==$stu22)) )
return [1,1,1,1];

} elsif ( (($cor11==$stu11 && $cor12==$stu12) || ($cor21==$stu11 && $cor22==$stu12)) ) {

$self->setMessage(3,"Your second answer is incorrect because...");
return [1,1,0,0];

} elsif ( (($cor11==$stu21 && $cor12==$stu22) || ($cor21==$stu21 && $cor22==$stu22)) ) {

$self->setMessage(1,"Your first answer is incorrect because...");
return [0,0,1,1];

} else {
return [0,0,0,0];

# Main text

Enter the points on the parabola \( y = x^2 \)
with x-coordinates 2 and 3.
AlignedRow(["\( \big( \)", $multians->ans_rule(10), ",", $multians->ans_rule(10), "\( \big) \)"], separation=>2).
AlignedRow(["\( \big( \)", $multians->ans_rule(10), ",", $multians->ans_rule(10), "\( \big) \)"], separation=>2).

# Answer evaluation

$showPartialCorrectAnswers = 1;

ANS( $multians->cmp() );


##### end PG code ########
In reply to Paul Pearson

Re: Creating exercises with answers dependent on previous answers

by Bruce Yoshiwara -
Thanks Paul.

I modified your suggestion (and an earlier one from Davide Cervone) to accommodate relatively large tables. So after defining a function $f and the desired number of sets of x and y values that lie on the graph,

$ma = MultiAnswer("$ans[0]","$ans[1]",
"$ans[2]","$ans[3]", "$ans[4]","$ans[5]",
allowBlankAnswers => 1,
checker => sub {
my ($correct,$student,$ans) = @_;
my @score = (0) x scalar(@$correct);
$pairs = scalar(@$correct)/2-1;
ANSWER: foreach my $i (0..$pairs) {
if ($student->[2*$i] ne "" && $student->[2*$i+1] ne "") {
foreach my $j (0..$i-1) {
if ($student->[2*$j] ne "" && $student->[2*$i] == $student->[2*$j]
&& $student->[2*$j+1] ne "" && $student->[2*$i+1] == $student->[2*$j+1])
$ma->setMessage(2*$i+1,"This is the same as your ".
$ma->NameForNumber(2*$j+1)." solution.");
next ANSWER;
my ($x,$y) = ($student->[2*$i]->value, $student->[2*$i+1]->value);
$score[2*$i] = ($f->eval(x=>$x) == $y);
$score[2*$i+1] = ($f->eval(x=>$x) == $y);
return @score;

It seems to work.