WeBWorK Main Forum

Specifications and system design for a large WeBWorK system (4000+ students)

Re: Specifications and system design for a large WeBWorK system (4000+ students)

by Jason Aubrey -
Number of replies: 0
Hi All,

To follow up on this, we've started collecting performance data on webwork servers at


It would be really helpful if you could add the timing log data from your server here. To do so go to


and run

webwork2/bin/timing_log_check.pl timing.log

Also, if you never noticed this timing log before you might find that it is very large and you might want to set up a logrotate/chron job to rotate this log every month or so and generate a timing log report.

(E.g. the timing log on my server that I just posted the report on was 6.6 GB and contained data on 4,664,624 requests over a year and a half!)

If you do generate such reports regularly, please add them to the wiki!
