I accidentally added the same webwork problem set to my moodle course twice. Unlike other grade items, moodle does not have a delete button for webwork problem sets. Is there a way I can remove the extraneous problem set from moodle?
This is perhaps more a moodle question than a webwork one, but maybe not since I think it involves the moodle-webwork bridge.
If you are using the moodle/webwork bridge at the assignment level then my version of moodle shows a delete option. When you have "turned editing on I see the picture below. Clicking on the X removes the assignment from the page. Is this what you are talking about?
This removes the assignment from moodle but the webwork assignment remains on webwork itself. Students will
no longer be able to access it directly since the link has disappeared. They will still be able to access it from the undeleted link if there is a second one. I believe that both links are accessing exactly the same copy of the webwork homework set. If you wanted to assign the same set twice you would have to
duplicate the hmwk on WW and give it a new name.

Yes, I can remove a link on the weekly roster as you have described. The difficulty is that I cannot seem to remove it as a gradeitem. When I go to
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the X does not appear beside any of the Webwork problem sets.
This might seem a picayune detail, but, even with this gradeitem set to be hidden, it is still showing up on the roster of upcoming events, so a student can still mistakenly do that problem set. At the moment, I have hidden the upcoming events box, but I don't like this and would like to just be able to remove the webwork assignment from the list of gradeitems.
Grade administration
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the X does not appear beside any of the Webwork problem sets.
This might seem a picayune detail, but, even with this gradeitem set to be hidden, it is still showing up on the roster of upcoming events, so a student can still mistakenly do that problem set. At the moment, I have hidden the upcoming events box, but I don't like this and would like to just be able to remove the webwork assignment from the list of gradeitems.