We get the error message
when accessing an explanatory link for students in a problem (for example like the link included in Library/LoyolaChicago/Precalc/Chap9Sec2/Q05.pg).
The webserver has no problems accessing files in /htdocs. The permissions for htdocs and /htdocs/helpFiles are exactly the same, so I don't understand why the webserver can't access the latter directory. We are using apache2 and lighttpd.
Below is a copy of the relevant part of our global.conf. Thanks for any help.
$webworkDirs{htdocs} = "$webwork_htdocs_dir" || "$webworkDirs{root}/htdocs";
$webworkURLs{htdocs} = "$webwork_htdocs_url";
# Location of web-accessible temporary files, such as equation images.
#$webworkDirs{htdocs_temp} = "$webworkDirs{htdocs}/tmp";
#$webworkURLs{htdocs_temp} = "$webworkURLs{htdocs}/tmp";
$webworkDirs{htdocs_temp} = '/var/www/wwtmp';
#$webworkURLs{htdocs_temp} = "/wwtmp";
$webworkURLs{htdocs_temp} = 'http://bartok.tmcc.edu:8080/wwtmp';
# Location of cached equation images.
$webworkDirs{equationCache} = "$webworkDirs{htdocs_temp}/equations";
$webworkURLs{equationCache} = "$webworkURLs{htdocs_temp}/equations";
# Contains context-sensitive help files.
$webworkDirs{local_help} = "$webworkDirs{htdocs}/helpFiles";
$webworkURLs{local_help} = "$webworkURLs{htdocs}/helpFiles";