I want to know if I am using the most current method to require exact answers in WebWork problems.
I found a way to require no decimals in student answers (in order to force an exact answer like pi to be entered.
It is:
ANS(no_decimals("$c/2 *pi"));
and it requires that I load: "PGasu.pl",
I also kept students from entering functions in their numeric answer using:
reduceConstants=>0, # no decimals
reduceConstantFunctions=>1, # combine 4+5*2?
formatStudentAnswer=>'parsed', # no decimals
My question is: Is there a "better" way to do this same thing using a MathObject checker?
I saw something about NumberCheck, but no code examples that I could find on how to use it as I want to in a WebWork problem.
I also found another method called: exact_no_trig
It seems to do about the same thing as what I implemented above, but it still seems to not be a MathObjects checker, right?