Web Conference 1 - June 3
AM - Introduce the PREP workshop program and discuss what makes an online homework problem good. Orientation to authoring resources, wiki and forums. Explore existing Models.
PM - Perl 1: Designing WeBWorK problems - Basic problem coding
Web Conference 2 - June 10
AM - Perl 2: Editing existing problems - Discussion on the structure and content of the Open Problem Library, various ways to edit library problems, formatting using Latex/MathJax
PM - Perl 3: MathObjects
Web Conference 3 - June 17
AM - Perl 4: Problem Techniques - Making problems robust, varied and interesting including varying forms of answer entry and using macros
PM - Perl 5: Problem Library and Github - Sharing problems back to the OPL, metadata, reports from participant subject area working groups
Web Conference 4 - June 24
AM - Perl 6: Applets - Java, Sage, Geogebra, and/or Flash applets within WeBWorK problems, Linking videos and other content
PM - Perl 7: Advanced Techniques - Special consideration for gateway or exam problems, creating good answer checkers, multi-part problems