In the PGML example an answer involving a matrix in array form is requested using
[`[$M] = `][___]*{$M}
This works but, on our system, produces an warning message
Warning -- there may be something wrong with this question. Please inform your instructor including the warning messages below.
Warning messages
ans_label AnSwEr0001 MaTrIx_AnSwEr0001__0_1 at line 933 of (eval 9890)
ans_label AnSwEr0001 MaTrIx_AnSwEr0001__1_0 at line 933 of (eval 9890)
ans_label AnSwEr0001 MaTrIx_AnSwEr0001__1_1 at line 933 of (eval 9890)
Other than removing the * to accept answers inserted using inline matrix syntax, is it possible to eliminate the warning?