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point-slope form

point-slope form

by Carl Yao -
Number of replies: 0
Hello community:

I'm using ImplicitPlane context to ask students to input a line's equation in point-slope form. However, students can enter the equation in any form and the answer is still counted right. For example, if the answer I want is y-1=2(x-3), students can enter y=2x-5 and it's counted right.

If I use two text boxes _____=_____ and use Formula object in the second box, I cannot force students to enter 2(x-3). They can enter 2x-6 and it would still be counted right.

Has anyone written problems where students must enter point-slope form?

Codes are below. Thank you for any help!

Carl Yao
Portland Community College

# WeBWorK problem written by Carl Yao
# Portland Community College
# Given a line's slope and a point on the line, find the line's equation in
# both slope-intercept and point-slope form. All numbers are positive.
# Last edited: Yao 6/25/13

## DBsubject('Algebra')
## DBchapter('Basic Algebra')
## DBsection('Slope-Intercept','Linear Equations','Point-Slope')
## KEYWORDS('slope','linear equation','slope-intercept','point-slope','line','equation')
## DBCCSS('8.F.3','A-CED')
## TitleText1('')
## EditionText1('')
## AuthorText1('')
## Section1('')
## Problem1('')
## Author('Carl Yao')
## Institution('PCC')









$ansPS = ImplicitPlane("y=$m*x+$b");




A line's slope is [`[$m]`]. The line passes the point [`([$x1],[$y1])`]. Find this line's equation in both slope-intercept form and point-slope form.

Solution in slope-intercept form: [_______________]{$ansSI}.

Solution in point-slope form: [________________]{$ansPS->cmp(correct_ans_latex_string=>"y-$y1 = $m(x-$x1)",
correct_ans=>"y-$y1 = $m(x-$x1)"



$s1 = $m*$x1;


*Find Equation in Slope-Intercept Form*

To find a line's equation in slope-intercept form, we first write the formula [`y=Mx+B`], where [`M`] is the slope and [`B`] is the [`y`]-intercept.

It's given that the slope is [`[$m]`], so we have [`y=[$m]x+B`].

Next, we need to plug in the point [`([$x1],[$y1])`] and solve for [`B`].

y &= [$m]x+B \\
[$y1] &= [$m] \cdot [$x1] +B \\
[$y1] &= [$s1] +B \\
-[$s1] & \quad -[$s1] \\
[$b] &= B

The line's equation in slope-intercept form is [`y=[$m]x+[$b]`].

*Find Equation in Point-Slope Form*

To find a line's equation in point-slope form, we first write the formula [`y-y_{1}=M(x-x_{1})`], where [`M`] is the slope and [` (x_{1},y_{1}) `] is a point on the line.

Next, it's given the line's slope is [`[$m]`] and it passes the point [` ([$x1],[$y1]) `]. We plug in these numbers into the formula, and we have:

y-y_{1} &= M(x-x_{1}) \\
y-[$y1] &= [$m](x-[$x1])

The line's equation in point-slope form is [` y-[$y1] &= [$m](x-[$x1]) `].