WeBWorK Problems

Requiring reduced radical in list of assignments

Requiring reduced radical in list of assignments

by Chris Hughes -
Number of replies: 2
I'm working on a problem that has this structure
Solve the quadratic equation
 x^2 = 28
And I'd like the students to answer with
 x=2sqrt(7), x=-2sqrt(7) 
It uses a custom context LimitedRadical in the attached file. The code below works almost exactly how I'd like it to, but it also allows students to enter
x = sqrt(28),x=-sqrt(28)
In such a situation, I would like a reduction message, similar to the fraction context or indeed to the message provided by this context, to be shown.

Context("LimitedRadical"); parser::Assignment->Allow; Context()->operators->redefine(',',using=>',',from=>'Numeric'); Context()->operators->redefine('or',using=>',',from=>'Numeric'); Context()->operators->set( ','=>{string=>' or ',TeX=>'\hbox{ or }'}, 'or'=>{string=>' or ',TeX=>'\hbox{ or }'} );
 Context()->lists->set(List => {separator => " or "}); $var = "x"; Context()->variables->are($var=>'Real'); #$a = random(2,10,1); $a = 7; $ans = Compute("$var=2 sqrt($a),$var=-2sqrt($a)");
Solve the quadratic equation
 [` [$var]^2 = [$a*4] `].
# works, but no reduction $showPartialCorrectAnswers = 1; ANS($ans->cmp(entry_type => "solution", extra => sub { my ($student,$ansHash,$nth,$value) = @_; if ($student->type ne "Assignment" && $ansHash->{student_formula}->type ne "Assignment") { $student->context->setError("Your$nth $value should be written $var = ___","",undef,undef,$Value::CMP_WARNING); return; } return Value::Real->typeMatch($student); })->withPostFilter(AnswerHints( ["$var=2sqrt($a)","$var=-2sqrt($a)"] => "Are you sure you have all the solutions?", ["2sqrt($a)","-2sqrt($a)"] => ["Your solution is a correct one, but you should write $var = ___<br>Are you sure you have all the solutions?",replaceMessage=>1], ["2sqrt($a),-2sqrt($a)","-2sqrt($a),2sqrt($a)"] => ["Your solutions are correct, but you should write $var = ___",replaceMessage=>1], )));

I was hoping that I would be able to adapt Davide's solution to this question http://webwork.maa.org/moodle/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=3037 - of my many attempts, this was my most promising start
$showPartialCorrectAnswers = 1;
 ANS($ans->cmp(entry_type => "a solution",
 checker => sub {
 my ($correct,$student,$ansHash,$nth,$value) = @_;
 return 0 if $ansHash->{isPreview} || $correct != $student;
 #$student = $ansHash->{student_formula};
 $correct = $correct->{original_formula} if defined $correct->{original_formula};
 Context()->flags->set(setSqrt => 1, checkAddSub => 1);
 delete $correct->{test_values}, $student->{test_values};
 my $OK = ($correct == $student); # check if equal when sqrt's are replaced by 1
 Context()->flags->set(setSqrt => 0, checkAddSub => 0);
 $check = ($correct==$student);
 my %ha= %{$ansHash};
 my @answerHashKeys=();
 for my $key (keys %ha)
 {push(@answerHashKeys,$key); push(@answerHashKeys,'=>'); push(@answerHashKeys,$ha{$key}); push(@answerHashKeys,$BR);};
 Value->Error("$dum $BR check: $check $BR correct is $correct $BR student is $student $BR answerHashKeys is: $BR @answerHashKeys");
 $correct->context->setError("You must simplify your answer further") unless $OK;
 return $OK;

but it lead nowhere- it seems that $student doesn't look the way I need it to.

If anyone could offer any help, I'd really appreciate it. I'd also be interested in learning how the debugging was done- the above technique of outputting the answer hash to the message window was given to me by a colleague; I wonder if there are other techniques to accompany it.

In reply to Chris Hughes

Re: Requiring reduced radical in list of assignments

by Chris Hughes -
Sorry about the formatting- here's a better version

 ','=>{string=>' or ',TeX=>'\hbox{ or }'},
 'or'=>{string=>' or ',TeX=>'\hbox{ or }'}
 Context()->lists->set(List => {separator => " or "});
$var = "x";
#$a = random(2,10,1);
$a = 7;
$ans = Compute("$var=2 sqrt($a),$var=-2sqrt($a)");
Solve the quadratic equation
 [` [$var]^2 = [$a*4] `].
# works, but no reduction
$showPartialCorrectAnswers = 1;
 ANS($ans->cmp(entry_type => "solution",
 extra => sub {
 my ($student,$ansHash,$nth,$value) = @_;
 if ($student->type ne "Assignment" && $ansHash->{student_formula}->type ne "Assignment") {
 $student->context->setError("Your$nth $value should be written $var = ___","",undef,undef,$Value::CMP_WARNING);
 return Value::Real->typeMatch($student);
 ["$var=2sqrt($a)","$var=-2sqrt($a)"] => "Are you sure you have all the solutions?",
 ["2sqrt($a)","-2sqrt($a)"] => ["Your solution is a correct one, but you should write $var = ___<br>Are you sure you have all the solutions?",replaceMessage=>1],
 ["2sqrt($a),-2sqrt($a)","-2sqrt($a),2sqrt($a)"] => ["Your solutions are correct, but you should write $var = ___",replaceMessage=>1],
In reply to Chris Hughes

Re: Requiring reduced radical in list of assignments

by Alex Jordan -
We believe we have a working template for this now, in case anyone follows the thread.

The attached problem asks for solutions to x^2=28 (or something similar) and expects variants of "x=2sqrt(7) or x =-2sqrt(7)". Tailored feedback is given for unreduced decimals, and several other things.

The problem uses contextLimitedRadical.pl, the latest version of which can be found in this thread. Be sure to scroll down to grab the latest version - not an earlier draft.