We are trying to extend the idea to the ^ operator for questions like
- simplify 12^8 * 12^5 (where we expect 12^13, and do not want to accept all of the digits that come from carrying out the exponentiation)
- factor the integer 12 (where we'd have the answer be OneOf(Formula("2^2*3"), Formula("2*2*3")) and the bizarro arithmetic would recognize "6*2" and "4*3" as different.)
syntax error at (eval 7261) line 6, near "**("
If you think you may be able to offer an explanation or a fix, please download the attached .pl file and try the problem below. Everything should function well until you try submitting an answer.
# WeBWorK problem written by Chris Hughes, 2013
# Portland Community College
# Template:
# Simplify the following expression
# x^m * x^n
# We use an INTEGER value for x on the interval [2,20]
# This problem chooes m and n to be POSITIVE
# Last edited: Carl Yao 6/28/13
## DBsubject('Algebra')
## DBchapter('Polynomial and Rational Functions')
## DBsection('Polynomial Functions')
## KEYWORDS('multiply','exponent','simplify')
## DBCCSS('8.EE.1')
## TitleText1('')
## EditionText1('')
## AuthorText1('')
## Section1('')
## Problem1('')
## Author('Chris Hughes')
## Institution('PCC')
# "PCCmacros.pl",
# m and n are the exponents
# myvar is the variable- could be x, y, z, ..., anything in PCCmacros.pl
$myvar = "x";
# custom error message
Context()->{error}{msg}{"A variable can appear only once in each term of a polynomial"}
= "Your answer must be fully simplified";
# quick reduction check (if $m or $n is 1)
$myvar1 = Formula("$myvar^$m")->reduce->substitute(x=>$mybase);
$myvar2 = Formula("$myvar^$n")->reduce->substitute(x=>$mybase);
$total = $m+$n;
$ans = Formula("$myvar^($total)");
Context("Numeric"); # since these problems have *numeric* bases
Context()->flags->set(formatStudentAnswer=>'parsed',reduceConstants=>0); # this line stops 9^3 being computed, and leaves it as 9^3
Context()->operators->undefine('*','/','+','-'); # forbid operators in the answer
# need to do the substitution in NUMERIC context
$myvar1 = $myvar1->substitute(x=>$mybase);
$myvar2 = $myvar2->substitute(x=>$mybase);
$ans = $ans->substitute(x=>$mybase);
$ans = Compute($ans);
'^' => {class => 'my::BOP::power', isCommand => 1}, # override ^
'**' => {class => 'my::BOP::power', isCommand => 1}, # override **
Use the properties of exponents to simplify the following
ANS($ans -> cmp(checker=>sub{
my ( $correct, $student, $ansHash ) = @_;
return 0 if $ansHash->{isPreview} || $correct != $student;
$student = $ansHash->{student_formula};
$correct = $correct->{original_formula} if defined $correct->{original_formula};
$student = Formula("$student"); $correct = Formula("$correct");
return 0 unless ($correct == $student);
Value->Error("Use exponents to simplify rather than actually evaluating") unless ($correct == $student);
return 1;
}) ->
[Compute("$mybase^($wrong)")] =>
"When multiplying terms with the same base, you do not multiply the exponents.")));
We _add_ the exponents as follows
[$mybase]^{[$m]}\cdot [$mybase]^{[$n]}&=[$mybase]^{[$m]+[$n]}\\