Is there a simple way to modify the math4 theme to have the list of assignments use one color for open sets and a different color for closed sets?
Since I average about 70 assignments per semester (about half are short Reading-Question sets), I would also like to collapse the listing of those closed more than n weeks ago (i.e., hide but with a labeled disclosure triangle to reveal if desired). An alternative approach might be to list individual sets for open or closed recently, but have collapsed lists for each long-ago week.
I'm unclear whether themes are fragile or robust. If robust, where should I start reading if I have the time to try writing the mod's myself?
If coloring can be controlled by time, perhaps try
color A for open & due within the next 24 hours
color B for open but dueDate is more than 24 hours away
color C for closed sets
color A for open & due within the next 24 hours
color B for open but dueDate is more than 24 hours away
color C for closed sets
Adding to this request. Can we have a different colour for hidden sets (i.e. those that only show up for the instructor)?