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How set or change homework *dates* on *command line*?

How set or change homework *dates* on *command line*?

by Christian Seberino -
Number of replies: 2
Every class has numerous homework assignments.

Every semester I need to update the due dates for those homeworks.

Possible to do this on command line to avoid slowly doing them one at a time in web interface?

In reply to Christian Seberino

Re: How set or change homework *dates* on *command line*?

by Dick Lane -
Although ancient ways to create individual assignments from the command line are apt to still work, I think adjusting dueDates for a course's whole set of assignments is the major concern.

"Numerous" for one of my colleagues is 40 to 45 in a semester with daily assignments and is 75 to 85 for me with Just-In-Time/Reading-Question assignments in addition to daily problem-solving stuff.

It would be useful if a set definition file could have a single date, open or close, in a course that had a Delta-time which specified offsets for the other times.  Those offsets might have "smart" adjustments to handle weekends or holidays (and ad-hoc revisions would always be available).

Even better would be a structure where the course had a master schedule of openDates for its whole collection of set definition files and also use an offset for the dueDates.  Since answers (and solutions) are not available until an assignment closes, I reject the notion of opening all assignments at start-of-term and closing all of them at end-of-term.  [Putting the sequence numbering into each set definition file would be less flexible.]

In the meantime, please remove the archaic requirement that the name of a set definition file begin with "set".  (The Homework Set Editor does accept variant file names, but it requires the Assignment name be entered from the keyboard --- that prevents a batch assignment using such non-"set" files.  This restriction has been inherited by the work-in-process successor.)
In reply to Dick Lane

Re: How set or change homework *dates* on *command line*?

by Christian Seberino -

Oh wow thanks for the tip.  I didn't know about set definition files.  That seems very powerful and just what the doctor ordered.  That will save LOTS of time.

I don't know that I need anything smarter than set definition files since it seems with a little scripting language programming you can automate the creation of set definition files every semester that make the adjustments you seek no?
