My graphs are not showing up with all of their grid lines online. If I look at the hardcopy, all the grid lines are showing up. Two days ago, the grid lines were showing up online and on the hardcopy. Note that I have upgraded the pg folder since then from CVS.
Thanks -- rac
Here is the code:
#------------Define the graph-----------------------
$choose = random(0,2,1);
@colors = ("blue", "red", "green");
$rc = $colors[$choose]; #Pick a random color
$xmin = -6;
$ymin = -6;
$xmax = 6;
$ymax = 6;
$graph = init_graph_no_labels($xmin,$ymin,$xmax,$ymax,
$f_graph = FEQ("$f for x in $interval[$n] using color:$rc and weight:3");
add_functions( $graph,$f_graph );
$label = new Label($xmin+1,$ymax-.5, "y = h(x)",'black','center');
$i = 0; # Number the axes
do {
$xtick = $i + $xmin + 1;
$labelx[$i] = new Label($xtick,0, "$xtick",'black','center');
if ($xtick!=0) {$graph->lb($labelx[$i]);}
$i =$i+1;
} while ($i<($xmax-$xmin)-1);
$i = 0;
do {
$ytick = $i +$ymin + 1;
$labely[$i] = new Label(-.2,$ytick+.1, "$ytick",'black','center');
if ($ytick!=0) {$graph->lb($labely[$i]);}
$i =$i+1;
} while ($i<($ymax-$ymin)-1);