We'd like to use the gateway quizzes module to give short in-class quizzes to assess how students are keeping up with assigned reading at home. The proctored mode with set-level password seems ideal. These aren't large classes, but we have ~5 minutes in mind for the length of the quiz.
I was able to successfully initiate and complete a quiz this way, but at the end am presented with a proctor login and password to enter for the quiz to be graded. Is this the intended behavior? The only way I could get the quiz graded was to use the site-wide admin login and password, which doesn't seem right. I checked localOverrides.conf and defaults.config for anything weird-looking, but didn't see anything.
I had one idea: we are using WeBWorK::Authen::LDAP for normal user authentication. Do some settings need to be changed to make this work with the gateway quiz proctor authentication? There is a line in defaults.config that reads
$authen{proctor_module} = "WeBWorK::Authen::Proctor";
Does this need any change to be compatible with our LDAP authentication?