My first attempt just made it a Formula of t and C, and that worked fine, and I was happy with the error messages and hints I had customized, and I thought I was done with the problem. But it nagged at me that how I had written it wasn't fully correct, since, for example, a student really should be able to replace the constant 3C by C if they desire, but those would be different as Formulas. Then I remembered Paul's problem from Workshop 4 AM with a custom answer checker where you check that the student's answer satisfies the given differential equation, and that seems like a perfect solution.
So I attempted to use that, but I can't get it to accept the correct answer as correct. I also don't know if I need all those things that he had in his problem. My guess was maybe there's a domain problem since one side has ln and one side doesn't but I'm stuck for how to fix it. Sorry for all the commented out stuff - I can streamline this if I need to, but I didn't know if something I thought was unrelated could be affecting it.
# "",
# sub context::Fraction::Real::cmp_defaults
# {Value::Real::cmp_defaults(@_)};
# Print problem number and point value (weight) for the problem
# Show which answers are correct and which ones are incorrect
$showPartialCorrectAnswers = 1;
# Setup
Context()->variables->are(t =>'Real', C=>'Real');
Context()->{error}{msg}{"Variable 'y' is not defined in this context"} =
"Your answer should not have 'y' on the right-hand-side.";
$aa = random(2,8,1);
$posc = $c*(-1);
if ($aa==$c){$aa++;}
$answer = Compute("ln( $posc*(t**2/2-$aa t +C))/$posc");
Find the general solution of the differential equation below. Use 'C' as your constant.
\[\frac{dy}{dt} = (t-$aa)e^{$c y}\]
Another hint will appear after 2 attempts, and another one after 4 attempts.
\( y = \)
\{ ans_rule(20) \}
\{ AnswerFormatHelp("formulas") \}
# Answers
$showPartialCorrectAnswers = 1;
# ANS( $answer->cmp()->withPostFilter(AnswerHints(
# sub {
# my ($correct,$student,$ans) = @_;
# return $student->D('C') == Formula(0);
# } => ["Don't forget +C at the step when you integrate!"]
# )));
ANS( $answer->cmp(checker => sub {
my ( $correct, $student, $answerHash ) = @_;
my $stu = Formula($student->{tree}{rop});
# Check for arbitrary constants
Value->Error("Don't forget +C at the step when you integrate!")
if ( Formula($student->D('C'))==Formula(0) );
# Check that the student answer is a solution to the DE
my $stu1 = Formula($stu->D('t'));
# return ($stu1 == Formula("(t-$aa)*e**($c*$stu)"));
my $stuDE = Formula("$stu1-(t-$aa)*e**($c*$stu)")->with(test_points=>[[20,1],[25,2],[50,-1],[100,-2]]);
return ($stuDE==Formula(0));