I am a newbie in WeBWork from Puerto Rico. I installed it (http://webwork.uprm.edu) in a CentOS server using ww_install python script (https://github.com/aubreyja/ww_install), it is running so well.
Thank you very much to all who have contributed and contributes in this powerful tool.
I am coding some problems, I want restrict scientific notation like 3.25E3 in students solution. Of course, the problem is convert from scientific notation to standard.
I include the full code, it is in spanish, I hope this is not a problem. Maybe I'm not quite right encoding, suggestions are welcome.
# DESCRIPTION # # Tipo: respuesta corta # Pasar de notación científica a normal # # Problema WebWork escrito por Edwin Florez, # edwin.florez at uprm dot edu # Adaptado desde el sistema quiz.uprm.edu del archivo # pedro_prebasica/notacion_cientifica/notacion_cientifica.db # # ENDDESCRIPTION ## DBsubject(Prebasica) ## DBchapter(Sistemas numéricos) ## DBsection(Notación científica) ## Level(1) ## KEYWORDS('notacion', 'cientifica') ## Author(Edwin Florez) ## Institution(UPRM) ## Language(es) DOCUMENT(); loadMacros( "PGstandard.pl", "MathObjects.pl", "PGgraphmacros.pl", "AnswerFormatHelp.pl", "problemRandomize.pl" ); TEXT(beginproblem()); #$refreshCachedImages = 1; # Allow for the user to try another version of the problem once they get it correct. ProblemRandomize(when=>"Correct",XonlyAfterDue=>0); # Show which answers are correct and which ones are incorrect $showPartialCorrectAnswers = 0; ################# ### Setup Context("Numeric"); #Number's parts: a.b x 10^n $a = random(1,9); $b = random(1,99); $n = non_zero_random(-6,6); $abs_n = abs($n); #Used in the solution #string of zeros with length n for padding $zeros = '0'x($abs_n); if ( $n > 0 ){ $simbolo = ">"; $direccion = "derecha"; $cadena_tmp = "$a.$b".$zeros; }else{ $simbolo = "<"; $direccion = "izquierda"; $cadena_tmp = $zeros."$a.$b"; } #number in scientific notation like a string $numero_nota_cient = "$a."."$b\times 10^{$n}"; #Building from a, b and n the answer if ($b > 9){ $rp = 100*$a + $b; $r = $rp*(10**($n-2)); }else{ $rp = 10*$a + $b; $r = $rp*(10**($n-1)); } $answer = Compute($r); Context()->texStrings; BEGIN_TEXT Eliminar los productos y potencias del número \[ $numero_nota_cient \] $PAR Contestación: \{ans_rule(10)\} \{ AnswerFormatHelp("number") \} END_TEXT Context()->normalStrings; ANS( $answer->cmp() ); Context()->texStrings; SOLUTION(EV3(<<'END_SOLUTION')); $BBOLD Paso 1:$EBOLD Escribir el número \[ $a.$b \] $PAR $BBOLD Paso 2:$EBOLD Como \( n $simbolo 0 \) se añade $abs_n cero(s) a la $direccion \[ $cadena_tmp \] y luego se mueve el punto decimal $abs_n unidad(es) a la $direccion y se obtiene: \[ $numero_nota_cient = $answer, \] por lo tanto, la solución es: \( $answer \). END_SOLUTION Context()->normalStrings; ENDDOCUMENT();
I read from another post that this is useful,
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Edwin F.