PREP 2014 Question Authoring - Archived

How to get macro to work outside of the PREP_2014 course?

How to get macro to work outside of the PREP_2014 course?

by Aba Mbirika -
Number of replies: 1
I looked it up, and a webwork page said:

The macro is not yet part of the standard WeBWorK distribution. You will need to download the macro file (ask John Travis) and place it in your local macros directory for this to work.

I thought instead of writing John directly I would ask this forum, then he or someone who has done this can write the method so others with same question can know.

Thanks much,
In reply to Aba Mbirika

Re: How to get macro to work outside of the PREP_2014 course?

by Aba Mbirika -
Sorry to ask. I figured out a way to get the macro into my course. I just copied the relevant draggable .pl files from our PREP_2014 course and uploaded them into the macros folder of the course I am teaching this semester.
