#!/usr/bin/perl ######################################### # # Values for course and set # my $courseID = "dpvc-test"; my $setID = "Gateway1"; ######################################### BEGIN { unless ($ENV{WEBWORK_ROOT}) { $ENV{WEBWORK_ROOT} = "/WeBWorK/webwork2"; } } use lib "$ENV{WEBWORK_ROOT}/lib"; use WeBWorK::CourseEnvironment; use WeBWorK::DB; ######################################### # # Get course environment # our $ce = WeBWorK::CourseEnvironment->new({ webwork_dir => $ENV{WEBWORK_ROOT}, courseName => $courseID, }); our $db = WeBWorK::DB->new($ce->{dbLayout}); # # Get set data and problems # my $globalSet = ($db->getGlobalSets($setID))[0]; my $isGateway = $globalSet->assignment_type =~ /gateway/i; my @problemIDs = $db->listGlobalProblems($setID); # # Get list of users # my %users; foreach my $user ($db->getUsers($db->listUsers)) { next unless $user && $user->section ne "Practice"; $users{$user->user_id} = $user if $ce->status_abbrev_has_behavior($user->status,"include_in_scoring"); } # # Sort users and print out scores for those who have attempted the set # foreach my $user (sort { lc($users{$a}->last_name) cmp lc($users{$b}->last_name) || lc($users{$a}->first_name) cmp lc($users{$b}->first_name) || lc($users{$a}->user_id) cmp lc($users{$b}->user_id) } keys %users) { my $User = $users{$user}; my $scores = ($isGateway ? getGatewayScores($user,$setID) : getHomeworkScore($user,$setID)); if (scalar(@$scores)) { my $score = join(', ',map {sprintf("%.1f",$_)} @$scores); print $User->last_name.", ".$User->first_name." (".$User->user_id."): $score\n"; } } ######################################### # # Compute the scores for all versions of a gateway test # sub getGatewayScores { my $user = shift; my $setID = shift; my @scores = (); foreach my $v ($db->listSetVersions($user,$setID)) { my $score = 0; my $attempts = 0; my @records = $db->getProblemVersions(map {[$user,$setID,$v,$_]} @problemIDs); foreach $Problem (@records) { $score += $Problem->status * $Problem->value; $attempts++ if ($Problem->num_correct || 0) + ($Problem->num_incorrect || 0); } push(@scores,$score) if $attempts; } return [@scores]; } ######################################### # # Compute the score for a homework set # sub getHomeworkScore { my $user = shift; my $setID = shift; my $score = 0; my $attempts = 0; my %problems = (map {$_->problem_id => $_} $db->getAllMergedUserProblems($user, $setID)); foreach my $id (@problemIDs) { my $Problem = $problems{$id}; if ($Problem) { $score += $Problem->status * $Problem->value; $attempts++ if ($Problem->num_correct || 0) + ($Problem->num_incorrect || 0); } } return ($attempts ? [$score] : []); } ######################################### 1;