
mod_perl, environment vars

Re: mod_perl, environment vars

by Davide Cervone -
Number of replies: 0
For the record, here is another version of my program that handles Gateway Quiz assignments as well as homework assignments. For gateway quizzes, it prints out the score on each version of the quiz for each student.



#  Values for course and set

my $courseID = "dpvc-test";
my $setID = "Gateway1";


  unless ($ENV{WEBWORK_ROOT}) {
    $ENV{WEBWORK_ROOT} = "/WeBWorK/webwork2";

use lib "$ENV{WEBWORK_ROOT}/lib";
use WeBWorK::CourseEnvironment;
use WeBWorK::DB;

#  Get course environment
our $ce = WeBWorK::CourseEnvironment->new({
  webwork_dir => $ENV{WEBWORK_ROOT},
  courseName => $courseID,
our $db = WeBWorK::DB->new($ce->{dbLayout});

#  Get set data and problems
my $globalSet = ($db->getGlobalSets($setID))[0];
my $isGateway = $globalSet->assignment_type =~ /gateway/i;
my @problemIDs = $db->listGlobalProblems($setID);

#  Get list of users
my %users;
foreach my $user ($db->getUsers($db->listUsers)) {
  next unless $user && $user->section ne "Practice";
  $users{$user->user_id} = $user
    if $ce->status_abbrev_has_behavior($user->status,"include_in_scoring");

#  Sort users and print out scores for those who have attempted the set
foreach my $user (sort {
  lc($users{$a}->last_name)  cmp lc($users{$b}->last_name) ||
  lc($users{$a}->first_name) cmp lc($users{$b}->first_name) ||
  lc($users{$a}->user_id)    cmp lc($users{$b}->user_id)
} keys %users) {
  my $User = $users{$user};
  my $scores = ($isGateway ? getGatewayScores($user,$setID) : getHomeworkScore($user,$setID));
  if (scalar(@$scores)) {
    my $score = join(', ',map {sprintf("%.1f",$_)} @$scores);
    print $User->last_name.", ".$User->first_name." (".$User->user_id."): $score\n";

#  Compute the scores for all versions of a gateway test
sub getGatewayScores {
  my $user = shift; my $setID = shift;
  my @scores = ();
  foreach my $v ($db->listSetVersions($user,$setID)) {
    my $score = 0; my $attempts = 0;
    my @records = $db->getProblemVersions(map {[$user,$setID,$v,$_]} @problemIDs);
    foreach $Problem (@records) {
      $score += $Problem->status * $Problem->value;
      $attempts++ if ($Problem->num_correct || 0) + ($Problem->num_incorrect || 0);
    push(@scores,$score) if $attempts;
  return [@scores];

#  Compute the score for a homework set
sub getHomeworkScore {
  my $user = shift; my $setID = shift;
  my $score = 0; my $attempts = 0;
  my %problems = (map {$_->problem_id => $_} $db->getAllMergedUserProblems($user, $setID));
  foreach my $id (@problemIDs) {
    my $Problem = $problems{$id};
    if ($Problem) {
      $score += $Problem->status * $Problem->value;
      $attempts++ if ($Problem->num_correct || 0) + ($Problem->num_incorrect || 0);
  return ($attempts ? [$score] : []);

