
Moodle "assignment" integration problem, SOAP errors

Moodle "assignment" integration problem, SOAP errors

by Jonathan Munson -
Number of replies: 1

Hi all,

I have installed the wwassignment module into Moodle (WW version 2.9, Moodle version 2.7) and when I create a WebWorks assignment from Moodle, I get the following message in Apache's error.log:

Argument "" isn't numeric in sprintf at /usr/share/perl5/SOAP/ line 1033.

Argument "Trace begu..." isn't numeric in sprintf at /usr/share/perl5/SOAP/ line 1033.

Argument "Trace begu..." isn't numeric in sprintf at /usr/share/perl5/SOAP/ line 1033.

Argument "" isn't numeric in sprintf at /usr/share/perl5/SOAP/ line 1033.

Anybody have any ideas?


In reply to Jonathan Munson

Re: Moodle "assignment" integration problem, SOAP errors

by Michael Gage -
Those are not serious errors -- just warning messages from perl that a comparison was made with an empty string (or something like that) -- probably they have appeared because the new versions of perl are better about catching these errors.

In any case the errors are in one of the CPAN modules (SOAP) and we'll have to wait until they are fixed there.

-- Mike