If I change FormulaUpToConstant to Formula or Compute, then I don't get any errors and the display of the correct answer is what I want, but leaving it as FormulaUpToConstant gives errors from the context pl files and from the Differentiaion parser. I really want students to practice giving the +C, so I like using FormulaUpToConstant instead of writing the +C in the text.
sub context::Fraction::Real::cmp_defaults
$showPartialCorrectAnswers = 1;
Context()->{error}{msg}{"Variable 'd' is not defined in this context"} =
"Don't leave a space - type 'dx' (without quotes).";
$dvnodx = Compute("e^($a x)");
$ddvnodx = $dvnodx->D->reduce;
$dv = Compute("$dvnodx dx");
$du= Compute("$dunodx dx")->reduce;
$v=Compute("1/$a* e^($a x)")->reduce;
$uv = ($u)*($v)->reduce;
$vdu = $v*$du->reduce;
$ans=FormulaUpToConstant("1/$a x e^($a x)-1/($a)^2 e^($a x)");